Chapter 4. The BBQ evening?

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Sam made it back home, undressed and put his new katana on the hanger in his room. After that he made sure everything was ready for the BBQ and took a break.

* * *

It was about 6 o'clock when Sam felt bored and decided to practice for some time before cooking the meat. He took his new friend from the hanger and moved to the backyard. Sun was still high. Sam was going to prepare the place for training when something stopped him.

Sam: Strange feeling...

The guy looked around. He felt someone's presence. Was it passerby? Or maybe just an illusion? Sam shook his head and took a dummy, which really asked for replacement by its view.

Sam: Shit! Why haven't I bought a new one?

It wasn't convenient to train on such a damaged target. He had no choice though. After a few seconds he decided to slash it anyway, because curiosity took the high. No one was around, the wind blew quietly. It made Sam feel a bit nostalgic.

In the moments like that he often had flashbacks of his previous life, about members of his family, who died 10 years ago. A few episodes of Sam's childhood: their visit to the funfair, his first computer... Sam's mother smile, how beautiful she was... His dad, fixing the car, Sam passes him the wrench... Some dark memories also appeared... Why everything ended up like that?

A lonely tear ran down his cheek.

Another deep swamp in Sam's head was his loneliness. He was thinking about finding a girlfriend from time to time. Actually, Sam considered himself to be a really good person to be with. The problem was his own character, as he wasn't able to meet anyone suitable. All the girls were undesirable for him. He couldn't explain that completely even to himself, sometimes asking himself the same question: What if I am the problem?

Another memory appeared like cloud from the horizon: Sam bought his first katana and then cut hand with it. That was really painful, the guy almost gave up the hobby after that day. Fortunately, his will was stronger than the scar painful. Sam was so young then, that current moment of his life looked like he was an old man. He felt confused and asked himself:

Sam: Seriously? I'm only 26, what's the problem?

That made him feel depressed. It was usual, he got used to such nostalgia seizures, even understanding they were not right things to happen.

Sam: Stop!

He understood those thoughts weren't suitable when he held a blade. Any emotions could destroy his concentration. Finally, Sam was back to reality. He found his hands were still, it made him relieved, the guy sighed and told:

Sam: Are you ready for your last slash, Ginger?

It was Sam's passion to give his dummies names. The one in front of him was called Ginger.

Sam finally prepared and took the katana out of its sheath.

Sam: What a strange blade!

He could swear he felt it was warm, like the katana was alive.

Sam: Where are you from, sword of a demon?

Sam tried to joke. He took the handle and then, with his left foot in front of him, attacked!


He was sure, that Ginger would be destroyed, maybe even cut in two, but things came even farther... Sam couldn't believe what he saw: the dummy turned into ash!

His jaw dropped.

Sam: What was that? What happened to dummy?!

Sam threw a look at katana in his right hand.


He screamed loudly: the sword was shining! Its handle made a dim red emission. Sam saw lots of katanas, made lots of slashes during his "career", but that blade was not the same... at all...

His hands started shaking slightly, while he was staring at the blade. He decided to put it away immediately when heard something...

Sam: DAMN!

It was a voice:

???: That's all?! Just a piece of old shit? I thought you were going to go and maybe kill someone, Master.


Sam corrected the sword in his hands, ready to fight. He had no idea, where the speaker was. The wind was blowing, it got darker and colder. He could see the sunset begind houses. Leaves on the tree were rustling.
Where could the speaker be?

???: Are you serious? There's no one around

Sam glanced back only to see nothing. He was now scared a bit, the situation was going out of control. "No one around?" -The only thought in his head was. The guy tried to put himself together and said:

Sam: Listen! If you want to play with me, I have a weapon in here, so if you don't want to have any problems, just show yourself already!

Sam kept waiting. However, the speaker was even much closer.

???: Master, calm down, there's no danger around. Only me. Well, I guess you still didn't get it. I'm. Inside. Your. Weapon.

Sam: WHAT?!

He nearly jumped and threw the katana to the ground. Sam sighed hardly and said:

Sam: What... was... that?

The voice disappeared, then the guy started realizing, that it was really somehow connected with that blade.

Sam: How is that possible? Walter was right? Is it cursed?

The whole situation seemed to be someone's stupid joke. Although he didn't believe in paranormal things, the voice, coming from the blade made him doubt. To Sam's surprise, he couldn't move, fear gripped the body.

It took him ten minutes to finally take the blade again in order to take it home. Or even to get rid of it.

???: I know, it's strange for a mortal. But don't be scared

Sam: Again! I'm going crazy, ain't I?

???: No, I guess you're normal, at least I hope so...

Sam: Are you in that blade? Who are you? Who's your master? You've been talking about him several times...

Sam wasn't sure, what he wanted to hear exactly. The blade started shining quite brighter.

Demon: Yes, I'm inside the weapon, you're holding. I'm the demon, who was prisoned there hundreds of years ago. Since then, I had a few Masters — skillful and powerful swordsmen, who used me for their purposes... Now you are the one. By the way, you are the first mortal, who didn't lose his mind, so you can celebrate that.

Sam's eyes widened with fear and surprise, when he finally realized: A cursed sword? For real?
He had no words, feeling shocked.

The blade, which was cursed, stored a demon inside and could turn things into ash. Sam was sure, all the things happened weren't just his own fantasies. He tried to play demon's game:

Sam: Did you turn my dummy into ash?

Demon: Yes... Actually, it was only little amount of the power, cointained inside the blade. It was used by strongest demons in Hell. As I've told before, you are the first mortal, who was able to keep his mind after the first attack. People, who just hold the weapon, can't hear me, or feel my presence inside.

That all made sense now. That was the reason why Walter wasn't able to meet that demon! Sam felt relieved about that and sighed. A few seconds passed, when he realized, he shouldn't have any business with this "demon" or something as well. He took the blade home, wrapping it in clothes beforehand, not to hear the voice. The guy tried to forget about the curse, which the blade probably brought him.

Sam then arranged a BBQ. Of course, he felt nervous about that incident. But taste of grilled beef made him relaxed and sleepy. After he finished all the meat, he washed the dishes, had a shower, and went to bed, trying not to think about the cursed blade, lying in the same room.

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