Chapter 13. Help that poor girl!

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Sam was driving along the streets with the speed of light. His heart was beating so fast and so strong, that he could even hear it. No doubt, he felt worried about Loona, who was still unconscious. The guy had no thoughts in his head, but helping her as quickly as possible. Sam learned how to treat some wounds about 9 years ago in order to help himself if he needed. But now all the knowledge left his mind.

He was sweating hard. Even being hurt by glass shards Sam could barely feel the pain, he forgot about his own scars. The reason of it was on his right and was in bad condition. Actually, he was scared of death since one accident 10 years ago and didn't want to let someone die. Not again, he just couldn't lose someone who was important for him...

Important? Why was he thinking like that? He met her only several hours ago. Looked like this life-threatening fight made Sam attached to Loona, she tried to help him, even got hurt. Or maybe this situation reminded him about another person, who was close to the guy in spirit. Anyway, he wanted to repay her help no matter what it would cost for him!

House by house, tree by tree, crossroad by crossroad. They were almost at the place. 4-5 minutes left! But they seemed to be longer than hours or days for Sam. They were speeding through his own area now. Sam's house finally showed! He slammed the brakes and turned off the engine. It was important to act as fast and accurate as possible! If he had a chance, he would drive Loona to hospital, but the closest one was farther than his house, besides, Sam wouldn't be able to explain, how the girl got hurt in such a way.

Sam quickly opened the door, turned on the light and put Loona on the sofa.

Sam: Fuck! So much blood! (A thought raced inside)

She was colder than normal temperature must be.

Sam: No! I don't have to think about any possibilities of being later, I WILL help her.

He immediately took the first aid kit from the pantry and started working. Sam's skills weren't too bad and he was successful to treat her wound in 10 minutes, but the bullet was still inside. Only one idea came. Sam decided to do a desperate but, useful "operation ". The guy took one of his katanas, covered it with antiseptic and made a little incision.

Sam: Here!

He could see a small black deformed object, it was a bullet. Sam's hands were almost still as he was used to hold katana, of course. But that wasn't a training or a fight, it was the operation, by the way, first in his life. All in all, he damaged his patient's skin a little, but took the projectile out. Blood started flowing more intensively. He hurried up and closed the wound.

Sam: Well, it was unprofessional as hell but, I hope, successful at least.

Sam checked Loona's pulse: too weak.

Sam: Fuck!

That day 10 years ago appeared in front of him...

[Flashback ]

Sam was holding her hand, she was almost dead, her fur was sticky and coveted with crimson spots. He wanted to help her but was too young and immature. He believed she died because of him.

Sam's eyes started to water, because he really didn't like that memory, He had learned a lot from that day, he became stronger and promised himself to help anyone, who's in need! That moment Loona was the one. Her face looked a bit worried, like she had a nightmare or something.

The guy sat down on the edge of the sofa and took the bullet in order to examine it while waiting,. Nothing special, just a metal projectile. It meant that the weapon itself was the main part of it. Now he was completely sure, Tony's weapon was from Hell, but it was shining pink, so he didn't know what power it was, as he met only red  — cursed and white — blessed powers before. When Tony died, this revolver stopped shining, it looked like a dead creature, who lost its soul.

Sam: That's an idea by the way, maybe this weapon had a soul inside? After its owner passed out, the gun 'died' as well. Looks like a good variant.

But what about its ignite power? Loona's backpack started burning after being shot, Tony was burnt to ash after being shot, but Loona wasn't (to his relief). But why?
Maybe the ignite power starts working only if the target's dead, like Tony was. But what about bag then? Non-living objects just ignore that rule? This theory looked reasonable.

Of course Sam had no idea about Loona's true form. Creatures born in Hell can't be damaged by Hell-ignite spell as it just doesn't start after damaging them. However, such weapons are still dangerous for hellborned, as those guns themselves are really powerful, especially in living world, where Hell creatures are vulnerable. Only luck and Loona's reflexes helped her not to be hurt badly.

* * *

Loona had a dream at that moment: she and Blitzo were sailing somewhere. A lake was aqua colored, without banks, just an infinite water. No one was saying a word. Everything was silent. No kills, no screams, no perverts, drug or alcohol addicts. Such a peaceful place, she liked it. But how did they get here? What brought them here and what happened before? She didn't know. Something inside was buzzing like wanted to tell her something. She tried to ignore the feeling, but it became stronger and stronger. It was pain, she felt the pain through her dream. Like a red string, stretched through her body.

Loona looked really concerned in her dream. Sam saw that but couldn't help. She was the she mistress of her mind and dreams. Minute passed by minute. The guy decided to drink anything and started feeling weakness, probably the blood was infected or something. He took a glass of water and drank it. Also brought another one to Loona, and put nearby. No one was so important for him as his family and one another person. But they all died, Sam lost them all. His parents died in that accident and that poor girl... several months after... Sam was alone and couldn't think about finding any new close friends. That was the reason, why Sam was so scared of death. His heart soaked every time he remembered killing Tony.

Sam didn't understand why exactly, but he trusted Loona, he knew, she was a good person. That was the reason why her words on the roof helped Sam to get over hesitation. Or maybe everything was just a fantasy, as people not always as easy as they seem to be from the first look. Sam had been sitting next to the sofa for an hour, which was a year for real, when a string of silence was broken by a sound, which made Sam the happiest man on Earth at that moment: Loona moaned!

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