Chapter 20. Unfair Fight.

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This chapter can be interpreted as Sam's past pt. 3. I just decided to call it another way

*15 minutes before Sam found Jessica*

The girl left the place and after waiting for 10 minutes decided to go to the local cafe and put out her Fursuit, she was still wearing Silvia's costume and needed some place to take it off. Unfortunately all the locker rooms were closed and she wanted to change her clothes in that cafe. It was called "Craig's" and was popular for its interaction with furry community, e.g. they had locker rooms there. Jessica visited the place before several times, so she knew where she went. Unfortunately she couldn't make it to the cafe as on her way a group of guys started following her, she didn't notice that and was about to enter the cafe when one of them put his hand on her shoulder.

???: Hey, babe! Wanna have a night together? Don't worry, I'm more a dog person! HAHAHAHA

Jessica: Fun, then go and fuck with your servants, they look like dogs of yours (She told with her calm voice manner)

The two behind the leader growled. The 'boss' felt insulted, he clutched her shoulder stronger, she even gasped...

The leader: That's like you talk? By the way I've been watching you for a long time, Jessica Stone

She understood being in a another serious situation. She got pale under the mask.

The leader: Well, let's have a talk right there, no one will disturb us, I swear you...

They took the girl who was resisting strongly but couldn't free herself. They brought her to the lane and started teasing her by 'animal' jokes. She kept silent as didn't care about their sick attempts. Those must have been abused by their families, she thought. After a while Roger (name of the leader) made a break. He looked at her with arrogance and told:

Roger: Enough. (He tried to keep calm but seeing this girl showing no signs of weakness he felt rage flowing inside)

He went closer and after a second kicked her, and again, and again. She coughed, those bullings rarely came to such an extent. She started catching her breath only to get another hit, now at her legs. Jessica fell on her knees and one of the guys pushed her to the ground, her costume, fortunately, was soft and protected her, but not enough.

Roger: I see you still didn't get it!

He threw a piece of brick at her and hit her head a little. Unfortunately, Roger then noticed his punches didn't worl and started beating her harder. Now that was painful. Jessica started defending herself, covering her face with hands but of course she couldn't handle three people at once. However she was lucky enough and pushed Roger to the ground, he fell and hit his back greatly, she tried to run but he pinned Jessica to the wall and picked up his knife.

Roger: You little bitch!

Jessica: AAAAHHHH!

He stubbed her with knife, cut inside her costume and hurt Jessica, now she felt weaker...

Who knows how much time would it take if Sam didn't appear.

*Narrating continues*

Sam rushed towards one of the guys and slammed his hand with pipe, the man screamed in pain. He pounced at Sam and tried to throw him to the ground. Railor was luckily stronger, he smashed enemy's face to the wall with great force and second one fell unconscious. Roger left one 1 vs 1 with Sam. He was good fighter and participated in several gang brawls. They stood opposite each other for some time, Sam noticed that Roger was shaking a little (His back pained). After a few moments the gang leader attacked, he used his knife while Sam was fighting with a pipe in his hands. They tried to get to each other but no success, after 10 minutes Sam felt he was exhausted, adrenaline helped him at first, but now the body was taking its toll. He felt weakness, Roger made his attack and...

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