Chapter 10. Susan's Cottage pt. 2

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I think every guy would be confused and even embarrassed when a girl takes him to the farthest room of the house, and looks around if the coast is clear and after that she tells you that she would show you something.

So was Sam. He wanted to ask Susan, what she was going to do, when she came closer and...

Opened the door of closet, which was on Sam's right. (What did you think about? We're in helluva boss fanfic) She took something out of it and showed Sam.

Sam: A katana?

Deep inside he thought she was going to do something vulgar to him, his embarrassment was changed by interest. He took the katana and examined it, it was quite good one, the patterns looked really old. He thought: "Maybe it's their family reliquary or smth?"

Susan: This katana was a gift to my grandfather. A rich man from ancient japanese family gave it to our family. I don't remember all the details but it's not the point, I wanted to ask you about a little service. Could you show some of your tricks to people? They would be really impressed.
I remember that you was good in sword art even 7 years ago, you are a professional now, aren't you?

Sam: Yes, you are right, I've been practicing for 9 years already. But what should I do? Slash something? However it's not a game at all, this is a real weapon, not a toy.

Susan: Chill, I don't ask you to kill anyone, just have fun and when I announce that you are going to show your skills, you just do some tricks. Plan is easy

Sam felt unsure.

Sam: *thinks* Anyway, it's a party, everybody wants to have fun, ok, I'll provide them fun. *normal* Ok Susan, I'll do that. But maybe we'll do it later? I'd like to relax for some time.

Susan: Sure, the night is long, take your time, Sam! Thank you.

She gave him a hug, and then left. Her behavior was quite strange, but Sam knew he could trust her.

Sam: Ok, let's get back to chill out!

He left the cabinet and got back to the main living room, people were still dancing, absolutely nothing changed.

Sam took a seat on the comfortable sofa and take a sip of Cola. He felt so relaxed... music was playing, people were moving, everything was perfect! Railor looked to his left and saw a guy who seemed to be drunk and was sleeping.

Sam: Huh, he was fast to finish the party.

The sofa's back side faced to the stained glass, so Sam could see the whole room sitting on it. He turned his head right and saw a big ice statue looked like an Oscar figurine, which actors and studios get for their achievements in industry of movie. This statue was bigger of course, sized as a human. He wondered, how did they manage to keep it cool. Sam took his phone to check the time: 11:47 pm. He's been here for almost 2 hours already. Then Sam remembered about Loona, he haven't seen her since she went somewhere at the beginning of the party. He started searching for her.

* * *

After Loona went her own way, she started looking around, examining the place, the people and, of course, looking for her target. She came to the drinks table and took a cocktail for herself, it's the party and she needed to look natural and... she wanted to have fun and relax. This party was a really lucky chance to forget about all her problems. On the other hand, Loona's socialising issues made it hard to make any new friends so she just had fun by herself. After an hour and a half she decided to take her mission, she took a sniff and easily recognized the target. He was going down from the second floor to the dance floor, he then took some whiskey and sat down at the bar. She kept her eye on him, waiting for a suitable moment to take him away from the public.

???: Hey, girl, how about having a dance?

She raised her head and saw Mike, who walked away from Tony after that incident with me. She looked at him for a while, and then remembered he was at the same balcony, from where Tony went down.

Loona: Yea, let's dance a little.

Mike: Cool!

He brought her to the dance floor and started dancing. Mike was not bad at dancing, even being clum a bit. Loona was dancing uncertainly as she was closed to people. Her task made it hard to relax as well. She asked Mike about Tony:

Loona: Hey, you, tell, who was that.. uhm.. strong guy with you?

Mike: It's Tony, he is a biker, girls like bikers. (he told that with sad expression) But he is a real asshole, who enjoys humilitating people. He insulted my friend before, it was an hour ago.

Loona: Ok, I got you.

She then forgot about Mike, dancing herself for about 40 minutes. It was great, Loona was surprised that she was dancing at human party!

She saw, that Mike had left her already, but didn't care. She had a great time. She then went to next room to explore the house. And then she would be able to kill that asshole.
Wow! The place was damn huge! As she was walking along the corridor, she saw the slide door to the street. She left the house and cool air comforted her. There's nothing better, than calm and peaceful atmosphere after the party with its crowd and music. Loona was sitting here for almost an hour, thinking about I.M.P, Octavia, Vortex, Blitzo and Hell itself. Sometimes human world can be really comfortable. Like it was at that night, when Octavia was looking for stars. Loona remembered their conversation and how they made friends. That moment was the same.

She finally stood up, and was about to go back to the house when saw Sam and Susan crossing the corridor. It was the moment, Susan was going to show him "something ".

"Sam is having fun" -she thought. Loona felt a strange feeling inside, but didn't care about it and then came back to the house.

She went to the balcony above the dance floor, took a seat and started scrolling her phone.

* * *

Sam took a look at the balcony and saw Loona. She was sitting and scrolling her phone, when a loud voice announced!

"Dear guests! Are you having a great time? It's really hot in here isn't it? (It was Susan, she was talking in such an announcer manner) Look at the guy who isn't having fun (the spotlight stopped at Oscar ice statue) he's too cold. He must be punished!!!

Sam finally got her idea. He had to slash that ice statue.

Sam: No way...

It was not so easy at all. He tried to cut an ice cube before, and it was really hard. But a statue?! Anyway, Sam promised Susan, deep inside he hoped that ice had melted already.

"How should we punish him? Maybe SLASH HIM TO THE PIECES? Good idea, meet our samurai, slasher, NINJA — SAM!" (Why did she call me ninja?! -He thought)

Then Sam moved to the centre of the room. The ice statue was moved here and placed onto special bedding, to protect the floor from being smashed by the ice. Susan gave him a katana.

Sam: Damn, what if it is blunt?

He didn't think about it before. Sam was sure that he wouldn't even damage it. Dozens of people looked at him, and Sam could disgrace in front of them just because of circumstances! He was sure they had no idea about how hard it was to slash the ice.

* * *

Loona's attention was spotted by that announcement. She looked down and saw Sam with the katana in his hands. "What is he going to do?"
She quickly understood, what's going to happen and felt intrigued like every other person in the room.

* * *

Tony was drunk for real. His face became angry when Sam came to the dance floor and took the katana. "This wimp is going to do what?! HA-HA-HA!" He was absolutely sure that Railor would lose the challenge, it made him feel better. He stood up from the bar and went closer to see Sam's failure.

* * *

Every part of his body was tensed, he was trying to concentrate, Sam took the katana tightly. And was ready to attack Oscar!

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