Chapter 15. Alive!

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The choir in the church, the lightning bolt in the silent and peaceful night, a screamer in horror game — all of them weren't even close to the moment, which happened in Sam's house. That little sound, little, but full of hope. Sam startled...This one second made him happy, he saved her life, wasn't it great?

* * *

Sam gasped. Loona moaned again and again. She then started to rise up slowly. Her vision was blurry a little. She was sluggish for first seconds, but suddenly she rushed away from the sofa and screamed. It was understandable, as she had no idea where she was. But after looking around for a minute and especially after seeing the guy she calmed down.

Loona: Uhm... Sam... is that you?

Sam: Yes, it's me, don't worry, you are safe and in my house now.

Loona: Yea, I can... see that... well, so what... OH FUCK! (She moved the wrong way, making her body lots of pain)

Sam: Stop! Don't move too quickly. You are hurt, look at your hip. (She looked at her wound and finally remembered what happened to her and me)

Loona: Oh fuck, it is painful for real, was it Tony, wasn't he? That asshole! He escaped or something? I will find him and then...

Sam: No, actually... (Sam swallowed nervously) He is... dead.

Loona: Dead? What happened?! Wait, did YOU kill him?

Sam: Don't you remember? You shouted to me to kill him and I had to do it, until it was too late. (He decided to hide, how hard for him it was to kill a person)

Loona: Heh, nice job, by the way. Oooh, just look at you! Your face, and hands! They are scratched and hurt with...

Sam: Glass shards. (By that moment Sam started feeling the pain and wanted to treat himself)

Loona: Oh fuck, you are bleeding, how long was it since you got hurt?

Sam: About two hours I guess.

Loona: Your blood could be infected, why didn't you treat yourself,? You had so much... ti... me... (She understood the situation, Sam was taking care of HER all that time, even forgotten about his own pain, her heart sank for a moment) oh... I mean... I mean... Thank you for helping me...

Sam: You're welcome (He felt wonderful, as now was sure that he saved Loona's life. Sam felt like fixed something broken inside or corrected the mistake, made years ago.) Well, uhm... while you're recovering, you can stay here, if you want.

Loona: It would be nice, but... I need to go home, they're must be waiting for me. So... just let me take my stuff and I will...

Sam: Your stuff? Oh.. nooo...

Sam gasped, Loona then felt something was wrong.

Sam: Loona, you see, the situation was a hard one and your backpack, it was damaged by Tony's gun. I guess he had some flaming ammo (He didn't tell Loona his theory about cursed power, she was too shocked to learn such a strange detail about that incident) and your backpack... it was burnt.

Loona: WHAT?! ALL MY STUFF?!!? OH NO, FUCK, fuck fuck fuck... My bag, my Grim... book. Tell me you're joking, Sam!

Of course, he would be happy to tell her that, but the guy wasn't joking at all. He  sighed and told it again, trying to be serious but soft as well.

Sam: No, sorry. I'm not joking, I tried to put out the fire, but Tony kept shooting and I couldn't handle that. When I killed him, everything was burnt already. I'm so sorry.

Loona's face became dark. She understood it wasn't his fault, but her edgy character almost played a bad joke with her.

Loona: FUCK! No... why me?! Why the f... (Loona felt concerned and really worried that she wouldn't be able to go back to Hell. She got one another idea). Wait a minute, I can call my colleagues and they will pick me up. (She sighed in relief)

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now