Chapter 23. Seeing Stars! 💫

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Both Loona and Sam had time of their lives. Both felt absolutely excited and exhausted after all the emotions and drive they had during the concert. Such a relaxing atmosphere, when you feel a bit sleepy, every dream, every fantasy seems to be possible and closer than ever. Calm engine roaring was the ambient of that lovely night. The two were driving home. Sam Looked at his right, at Loona who was looking at the window. They were driving along the empty street, with rare cars and no people. Loona was thinking about something and didn't notice Sam looking at her. She felt so happy and calm, soft cool air of the night comforted her. How strange: only several days in the living realm were as enjoyable as her whole life. Why it was like that? She smiled as she had an idea why... It appeared in her head two days ago for the first time.
She thought: "How is that possible... huh, it can't be like that..."

Sam: Loona?

She startled and looked at Sam. He took her out of her thoughts.

Loona: Ah? I'm listening, Sam

Sam: Huh, just noticed you were thinking about something, was it your home, wasn't it?

She felt miserable, not about her home, but about impossibility to tell him the truth.

Loona: Yes, I... miss it... I guess

Sam: Don't worry, I... We'll find a way to... help you get back...

He didn't know what to say, as it was clearly obvious she was hiding something.

Loona: Thanks...

Silence again, Loona was tired but didn't want to sleep, Sam's words made her to think about Hell. "What should I say to him? He'll have to find about my origin one day or another..."

For some reasons, she couldn't understand, the girl felt upset, she tilted her head and slowly looked at Sam. He was concentrated on the road and didn't notice that. Tousled brown hair, confident and a bit deep sight, calm lip line, they all fit each other very good. Even the makeup, which was almost completely washed away, emphasized his face lines well. She blinked and looked away, trying to throw these thoughts out.

After 20 minutes they were back home. Sam drove to the garage and parked there. He yawned, the girl did so. They came to the living room and Loona plopped down on the sofa with a sigh.

Loona: That was awesome!

Sam: Yeah, absolutely amazing. RoR really knows how to blow the audience.

Loona: They played professionally and Paul is amazing for real!

Sam: Yes, he has the strong voice.

Loona: Huh, yeah, really... And solos! I was speechless...

Sam: Greatest ones for real.

Sam took a soda can from the fridge and passed one to Loona. He drank it quickly and went to his room to get undressed. All the rock outfit was put to the wardrobe until the next time. He put some home clothes on and went to the bathroom. There he completely washed away his makeup and laughed at their crazy outfit idea.

Sam: She knows how to look unusual...

Hot water was flowing down Sam's body, making him to feel really comfortable. Great feeling.

Loona sat at the sofa and listened to sound of dropping water from the bathroom.

Loona: What a good guy, I didn't even think humans could be like that...

She smiled and even blushed slightly because of so strange thoughts. Her face then became darker, a few tears ran down. Sam was a human, she was a demon. What relationship could they have at all? The friendship was the maximum, she thought, or at least tried to persuade herself, that she thought like that.

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