Chapter 12. Rooftop randevu! pt. 2

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Tony was annoyed, because Sam ruined his fun again! At that moment Loona used his confusion and knocked the gun out of his hands! He slammed her with his shoulder, Loona was knocked down to the floor.
Tony had a creepy smile on his face.

Tony: I planned just to use you for my own needs and then kill you and no one would find your body, as my gun has special ammo inside! But you made it harder, I'll kill you another way, it would be really painful!

He took the metal beam from the floor and raised his hand to attack Loona, who was still on the ground. Tony attacked!

A loud screech filled the sound. It was Sam, who parried TOny's attack with his new katana. The beam was hard and Tony was strong enough to push e his rival back a little. He growled with rage:

Tony: I'll kill YOU at first! You messed with me for too long!

He attacked Sam with the beam, only to be parried again, this time, however, Sam was lucky enough to counterattack him. He rushed forward and slashed his hand, leaving a scar on it, Tony screamed from pain and dropped his weapon, the beam fell and crashed the glass fence of the rooftop. Balnard took some shards and threw them at Sam, who tried to dodge but some shards got him. Several scars on his hands, wrists and one piece of glass was right in Sam's face, just lower than the eye. He took it off and sighed. At that moment Tony took his gun back and aimed. Sam was moving and it was hard to shot him. Tony made his first shot, which missed, another and another. The sixth ammo flew past but unfortunately it hit Loona's backpack. A strange hissing sound appeared, after a few seconds the backpack was in fire! Sam rushed to it in order to put out the fire but Tony stopped him:

Tony: It's no use, Sam! I have a cursed ignite power in my revolver, you can't put out that flame! Now, are you ready for death?!

Sam would think Tony was just drunk if hadn't found that Helluva blade before, it was possible that Tony could tell the truth and his weapon could be cursed-powered, like Sam's blade was. But revolver wasn't shining red, but pink, it was something different from just cursed power. Tony missed again. As revolver had 6 ammos in a drum, he must have spent all his bullets but they just didn't end!

Sam: This gun have infinity ammo! 

Tony continued pouring bullets and had a little pause, when Loona attacked him, biting Tony hard.
He screamed but didn't release the gun, he aimed and shot Loona to her hip. He thought his bullet would start a cursed fire in a few seconds, so he quickly aimed at his main rival, thinking that Loona was taken out the fight.

Loona however, was a hellhound, so the cursed fire just couldn't start. She pounced at Tony and knocked him to the ground. He dropped his gun, being stunned, Sam quickly ran closer and took it. Tony was furious, he took Loona's shoulder and threw her off with great power. Loona was badly hurt by the revolver shot and now couldn't move. Sam took the gun and aimed at Tony.

-SHOOT, SAM!!! -Loona shouted desperately.

Sam wasn't ready to do that, because of the past events of his life. The death was a really problematic topic for the guy. He always felt concerned, scared and worried when someone was talking about death. Like that time, when Susan told him about Steve. It was hard to shoot at Tony, even knowing he was bastard and asshole.

Railor still hesitated, but when heard Loona's scream, something inside moved. Sam felt that he had to protect her... That one feeling helped him to fight his uncertainty.

After a moment Sam pulled the trigger, and shot Tony right at his head. Tony shouted and fell to the ground. Suddenly his body started glowing and then ignited. After a few seconds he burnt to ash. Just after that his gun stopped shining. The crimson fire, which was burning Loona's backpack disappeared.
However, all the staff inside had already burnt, several sheets of paper and molten black metal — all that's left.

Sam got pale. He looked at his hands, which were shaking slightly.

Sam: I... I've just... killed a person...

Sam tried to put himself together, he had to concentrate on more important problem. He took a deep breath and immediately ran to Loona. The situation was a dangerous one. She was unconscious, the bullet hurt her hip and was still in her body. Blood had already started flowing out, threatening her life.
Sam understood that he couldn't tell anyone about the incident. Tony disappeared and Loona was hurt, everybody could think that he was the one who hurt her.
Fortunately there was another way out the roof, with no people on the way. Sam took the katana, Tony's revolver and carried Loona down the stairs. He quickly ran to the car and put Loona inside. Then Sam pushed the pedal to the floor and drove home.

People on the party were having fun, almost no one noticed that Sam disappeared. Mike was looking for him but then met a pretty girl and invited her for a dance. Susan was too busy with the guests but she noticed Sam wasn't around too. Collin tried to find Tony but wasn't lucky enough to do that. The crowd was dancing all night long. The party was a great event, people felt really excited about it. Only when the dawn showed up, guests started leaving the house. When Susan was finally alone, together with a servant they cleaned up the house. She was tired, and wanted to sleep. Before going to bed she wanted to look at the dawn. Susan got up to the roof and enjoyed the first rays of the Sun. It was rather cold in here, she smiled and was on her way to the exit, when noticed broken glass fence, glass shards, several small puddles of blood on the floor and something burnt in the corner.

-Susan: Jesus! I guess, someone was drunk and had a fight here, they even burnt something! I have to clean it up!

She then called her servant and they cleaned up the roof as well. She wasn't really surprised or something, cause shit happens, especially on the parties, she knew that. Susan asked servant to order new glass to fix the fence. Of course, she had no idea about the actual fight, which took place this night on the roof.

Mike drove home on his 'not-car-but-a-real-beast' and went to bed.

Susan was sleeping as well. Almost all guests of that wonderful event were asleep already.

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