Chapter 11. Rooftop randevu! pt. 1

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Sam was completely concentrated. No extra thoughts or worries. He took a deep breath and attacked!
Sam felt his katana went through Oscar, mostly to Sam's surprise, but statue was standing still.

Sam: *whispers* How is that possible?

Everyone was surprised, they thought he would be able to handle this. Even Sam was confused as he had more experience in that.

Susan: Well, Oscar is quite a tough guy! Maybe next time Sam will slash him!

Tony: HA-HA-HA, what a fool! He really wanted to slash this statue?!

Tony gloated for real. He came closer to Sam me and put his arm on Railor's shoulder.

Tony: Just go and suck more dicks, maybe it will help? But wait, it hasn't helped you yet?! HA-HA-HA... You are such a fool, thanks for entertaining me, baby

Sam felt not only insulted but really angry. He knew it was his own mistake, but Tony made the situation even worse. Sam tried to keep as cool as he could.

Sam: Listen to me you...

Sam stopped, everyone looked at the statue, as they heard the cracking sound, Sam heard it too. Another sound and another, and another. Suddenly, the upper part of statue started moving, it slided slowly down the lower part and fell to the floor, causing a loud sound. People were shocked: Sam was able to slash a huge ice statue! Several seconds passed before he realized what he had done. Tony's face twisted in anger and jealousy. He looked at Sam, squeezed his shoulder stronger and whispered:

Tony: Do you think you are the star here? The cool guy with a cool sword?! I'll show you your real place in this world, you piece of shit! I'll make you...

Sam's eyes sparkled with silent rage, his face became really serious at that moment. He put his hand on the katana's handle and said:

Sam: One more word. Only one word, and I will cut you hand, or leg or your small dick, asshole.

Tony looked at Sam with confusion. Then his face turned pale, it lost any trace of confidence on it and he released Sam's shoulder. Tony was speechless and scared for real. Even being drunk he felt the power of Sam's words. Tony moved to the bar and no one even understood what had just happened.


Crowd was cheering and congratulating Sam, then everybody started dancing and party continued. Parts of statue were removed from the dance floor, which was strong enough to endure the statue falling. Sam felt relieved and proud of himself. This little challenge showed, that his skill improved greatly!

Susan came and congratulated him personally.

Susan: It was great Sam, and how intriguing!

Sam: I haven't planned that, thanks

Susan: I was thinking about a reward for your help and... here it is! You can take this katana!

Sam: Why? Isn't it your family reliquary? I thought it is important for you.

Susan: It is a really ancient katana, but my parents gave it to me several years ago, when I told them about your hobby.

Sam was embarrassed and quite flattered, Susan wanted to take up same hobby as he did, that was great. But as he could see, she gave it up.

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