Chapter 22. Concert

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*Somewhere in Hell*

The streets were busy as usual. Lots of imps were walking here and there, a fight on the corner, a car robbery nearby, some drunk ones had been scolding each other for over an hour already. But she was used to it. She just kept her way, she didn't know where exactly to go, just moved freely around the city. A pair of pink eyes were looking at nothing. The girl was Octavia Goetia, daughter and heir of the whole Goetia inheritance. Not for now, of course. The only thing she got for now was loud noise of her parents' arguments, day by day, something was always wrong. Stella was blowing up for no reason and then was insulting Stolas, who couldn't help but did that as well, trying to defend himself. Octavia hated both her parents, but at the same time she loved Stolas, as he was caring about her, when had time between their numerous arguments.

This time she left the palace for the reasons stated above. She usually preferred to stay at her room and listen to some music but this time one detail was different: she couldn't contact with Loona. After that episode with the starfall Loona and Octavia made really good friends, so they spent lots of time every day chatting with each other about their 'hard lives'. They had a lot in common, starting with music taste and completing with their opinion about everything around them. This time Loona was offline for 2 days already, which was absolutely strange for the girl, who spends most of her free time at her phone.

Octavia took her phone and read their last messages:

L: "Where have you been? I'm having such a dull day here, as usual, fuck..."

O: "Parents again, their arguments are going to kill me one day, hate it 4 real"

L: "Yeah, stupid situation. I'm so bored, daaamn... almost sleepy"

O: "Well, sometimes I wish I could just fall asleep at any time"

Loona then really fell asleep, Blitzo's call woke her up. He gave her the mission and (as we know) Loona accepted it.

L: "Hey, I need to clear a target, finally something to kill some time. C U"

O: "Yeah, ok, stay safe, bye"

Since that time Loona was offline, it made Octavia suspicious about what happened next.
Now she was walking along the street, deep in theories about Loona's disappearance. She mumbled something:

Octavia: She's being too long with her mission... What if anything happened?

* * *

All in all, Loona and Sam made it home at about 10 or 11 pm. Both felt tired, both wanted next day to come faster, so they quickly made all the preparations and fell asleep immediately.

* * *

In the middle of the night Loona suddenly woke up. She sat down at her couch and tried to understand what exactly happened. Well nothing was wrong, she yawned softly and tucked her tail under herself... that was better...

Loona: *thinking* WAIT, WHAT?

She jumped out of her couch, almost screaming, when realised what happened. Her tail was there, she immediately examined herself and noticed everything except her tail was still disguised. She sighed. That was the real problem.

Loona: *mumbling* Cmon, cmon, why is that happening? Why did I lose control over my magic?

After a few minutes of thinking, she figured it out. The reason could be her excitement, which was very bright, she could just lose concentration and disguise became weaker as a result. She tried to calm down to restore her spell. It didn't work, she was worried about her 'tail problem'. It could last for the long time if she didn't hear creaking sound: Sam woke up. She hid under her blanket with the speed of light. Sam was sleepy and didn't notice anything strange, he went to the bathroom, after a few minutes he came back to his room. The girl was shaking under her blanket for a while and finally put herself together.

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now