Chapter 9. Susan's cottage pt. 1

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As Sam expected, the house was full of people. As Loona and Railor walked inside, some people from the crowd turned to them. Sam immediately recognized several faces from his class. They all looked familiar to him, but older of course.
Music was roaring loudly and the crowd was dancing. Sam asked Loona, if she needed anything, she replied negatively and then walked away. The guy decided, that she went to find her friends. He then looked around the place.

It was a huge living room two stories high, with a protruding balcony on the second floor. Great view to the dance floor opened from the balcony. On the left there were stairs which led to the second floor and the balcony itself, also there were several rooms further down the corridor. In the centre of a living room was a dance floor zone. As the room was connected with the kitchen, a table with snacks, drinks and alcohol situated near the dancers. Small bar counter next to it finished the party's food and drinks supplies.

They even invited a DJ, who was sitting at his own desk with equalizer, he put different songs. Sam had to admit all of them were really dynamic, perfect for dancing! A huge stained glass showed the backyard with a garden, the swimming pool, and lounge zone. On the wall there was an enormous sized TV, which displayed some colorful spinning figures, moving to the beat.

Sam: Damn! Susan really knows how to arrange parties!

He took some Cola from the snacks table and looked for Mike.

Sam: There he is!

Mike was standing on the balcony and looking at the crowd, who were dancing. There were two guys with him, one of them looked familiar. Sam quickly climbed the stairs and greeted the company. Mike was happy to see his friend, they shook hands and he introduced Sam to the other two.

Mike was quite short but well-built guy with wawy brown hair. He lost one of his front teeth as he played hockey. He was wearing green sleeveless shirt, a pair of black shorts with white stripes on them and sunglasses on his head.

The guys with him looked like bikers, and Sam knew they were. One of them wore a striped T-shirt with a skull on it, a chain around his neck and torn jeans, On his legs there were black leather boots. Typical biker. Mike introduced him as Collin. Sam and Collin shook hands and just after that lost interest to each other.
The second guy took Sam's attention.
He wore a Hawaii shirt on his broad shoulders, which was unbuttoned showing his muscles with tattoos on them.
He had a dark coat above his shirt. Of course it was covered with spikes. He had short black hair, a cruel face covered with some scars and dark eyes.
Sam heard about him before. The leader of his own bikers gang called "Snakers" — Tony Balnard. He had a bad reputation of womanizer, pervert and brawler. Someone said he even killed several people, but there were no proofs of his atrocities. He gave Sam a sharp and quite arrogant look, like trying to read the guy. Then he grimaced a severe face and with indulgent smile gave him his the. Tony had a growling voice:

Tony: Hey ya, baby! Haven't seen you here before, your first party? Just left the kindergarten, didn't you?

He then laughed out very loud, like it was fun or something. Sam raised his eyebrow.

Sam: Huh, no, I just came around, hoped to see you there... *Sam smirkled*

Tony: Ahh?! Any problems, asshole?! You want me to teach you a lesson don't you?! Aaahh?!

Sam: Fuck you. Ok Mike, I'm glad to see you, have your time, if it's interesting for you.

Mike looked upset, he didn't expect such an argument between Sam and Tony. But Balnard was a real piece of shit.
Sam could bet Tony's reputation was a truth to the last word. Mike wished him to have good evening and offered to talk about that later.
Sam agreed and moved down to the dance area.

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