Chapter 6. An invitation

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Of course Sam was surprised and confused about the whole thing happened. Only a few days before he couldn't even think about Hell and Heaven, angels and demons, magic and spells. And now he was the owner of a blade from the underworld. After putting the katana back to its hanger, Sam tried to figure out what to do next. After representing all pros and cons in his head, the guy decided to forget about that weapon. The idea of going to Hell seemed to be crazy for him, especially after Enel had told him, that mortals are almost useless in conjuring spells. That's why he came back to his room, took the blade and said:

Sam: Enel, listen to me. I know, that we barely know wach other and we can't draw any conclusions by now, but... Well, let me put it straight: I won't use this weapon

Enel: I expected you to say something like that... Most people would refuse, if they didn't lose their minds after using me, hehehe...

Sam: So, no problems with that?

Enel: Your will — my will, Sam. You are free to do anything with the katana

Sam: Then, I'll better remove it from my life. I enjoy sword art, that's true, but I don't think I want to deal with demons at all... It could be boring for you, but I guess you are used to it.

Enel: I'm quite used to wait for a long time

Sam: Ok... Bye, then?

Enel: See you later

Sam put the katana to the pantry and covered it with cloth. He was about to leave the room when glanced back, like examining something, and sighed, he left the pantry then and jumped onto his bed.

Sam: Well, no blade — no worries!

After that incident Sam had spent several days in a row in a relaxed way, he even visited beach one time. On one of them he was building a bench for the backyard. The previous one was too old to sit on, Sam noticed that when had BBQ. He was connecting some parts together when a phone rang. Sam hit his head over the bench's seat, scolded a bit and moved to the house. A friend of his, Mike, was calling.

Mike: Hey Sam, how are you doing?

Sam: Oh, Mike! Hi, that's ok, anything happened by the way?

Mike: Yes, it did. Remember Susan, don't you?She is arranging a party tonight! I hope you will come?

Sam: Wow! I didn't know that, well, yes I will. Thank you, Mike.

Mike: Nothing special, dude. You know, I bought a great car last month. Damn! It's not a car but the beast, trust me!

Sam: That's cool, can't wait to see it! Oh wait, what time the party is taking place? Tell me adress as well.

Mike: Yeah, I almost forgot, hehe... I'll send you the adress in message. Go there at 10, ok?

Sam: Yeah, bye, bro

Mike: Bb, Sam

Sam hanged up. He was glad to visit the event as he hadn't been to parties for years! His phone bipped, showing the message from Mike, where the adress was written and the time, when party starts.

Sam: Susan... I remember that name, but not entirely.

Thinking: Susan North, a sweet girl, who was in good relationships with all the class. She was always ready to help everyone. Her family leaves in a big cottage if memory serves me well. I haven't seen most of my last classmates for years, except Mike and some others. Hope, they didn't forget who I am...

Sam looked at his watch: 4.37 p.m. He had to choose clothes and fill the car's gas tank. First of all he opened the wardrobe in search of something interesting.
After a 10-minute-fashion-show Sam took his red trainers, a pair of white shorts and white T-Shirt with the print of his favorite music band — Gorillaz (He was a real fan).

Next the guy moved to the garage where his car was held, the tank was almost full, so he didn't need to drive to gas station. It was only 5 p.m. and Ssm decided to have a snack and complete the bench. He took a plate with sandwiches out of the microwave and eat one them even before leaving the house.

The bench was ready in a 40 minutes, He was tired and sweaty for real.

Sam: Shit. That's not the point.

He had a shower and got dressed. Then he had a nap until 10:40 pm. In next 10 minutes he started the car and drove to Susan's house.

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