Chapter 2. Satanic sword

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Sam stared at the blade for a while. The weapon looked magnificent. It was about 1 m long katana, crimson coloured, with unusual carvings on its blade. Red patterns covered it from one side and the white ones from the other. Whatever they were displaying, those carvings were made by a real professional. In the middle of the blade, there was rod made of dark coloured metal, which connected two parts together. The handle was painted with pentagrams. All in all, the whole weapon looked like a real hell-made katana.

Sam continued examining the blade when something spotted his attention. He looked closer and noticed several white symbols in the middle of the black rod. Together, they represented a word, which Sam read quite loudly because of surprise:

Sam: Lucifer!

Sam put the puzzle together and figured out it was probably the owner's name. That idea made him startle briefly. Walter broke the silence.

Walter: That's what I was talking about, Sam!

Sam: Well... Despite that creepy signature the whole katana is a masterpiece! I've never seen anything like that before!

Walter saw, how amazed Sam was. He knew, it meant a lot. After a while, he asked with concern, while looking somewhere away:

Walter: Aren't you scared at all?! I mean, you can see it yourself...

Of course, Sam felt some kind of unusual connection between that blade and demons, magic and all that stuff. But he only shrugged and replied shortly:

Sam: It's ok. How much is this one?

Walter: HOW MUCH?! I kept it especially for you, it's on the house, man!

Sam: Deal

The two shook hands and Walter passed the katana to Sam. Walter opened the back door and let Sam to leave the place without being seen by other customers.

Sam: Bye, Walt

Walter: See you

Sam heard door knocking sound and hurried up to leave the place. He walked down the street with the blade in his hands and headed back home. Being deep in thoughts, Sam even chose the wrong path, so it was going to take more time. He felt amazed about his new weapon, he knew it was a special one, he couldn't even understand, HOW special it was in fact. He pointed the end of the katana at the sky and shouted in amusement:


Sam tried to quote one villain from a movie he saw years ago. Sam had to admit it sounded better in his head. Fortunately, there were no people around, so no one could hear that fiasco of him.

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