Chapter 23

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                                                            (Same outfit as the other chapter)

After Roman helped Peter's mom, he headed towards his mate's house almost speeding, almost shocked when he saw a dead security guard hanging out his portable station. He could see most of the neighbors outside almost like in a trance as he pulled up to Kerrianne's house and the truck that held two bodies of the dead lookouts. He got out of the car as he followed the splattered blood on the grass to the open door. He looked around to the trance neighbors before walking in.

Blood everywhere, on the walls, the decor and trails on the floor. Roman continued walking as he found an arm with a puddle of blood. Going to her hallway, he saw large guns. It looked like a bloodbath at the Hopper's residence. When he finally went to the back entry way, more bodies were found loitering around before he opened the backyard door.

Standing shock at the sight before him. Kerrianne and her kin drenched in blood as they made a circle of candles in the ritual area. The girls dance with a seductive itch as they release the blood back to the ancestors as many bunnies and cats buzz around them.

They use the bird bath like an altar to cleanse themselves of their enemy blood as Kerrianne danced more harshly. Blood sustaining her and those before her before she came to a stop, turning to look at the Roman. She tilts her head to the side, almost smiling to him before motioning him over. He walked over to her as her call rang in his ears. Once he got to her, she stood on her tippy toes kissing him softly as the blood on her lips mixed with the taste of him. He grabs her waist, almost gripping her close as ancestors blessed their side of the bond. He picked her up, his hands touching her globes as their kiss got more heated before Peter's cry rang for help. Pausing Kerrianne's eyes turned full red before she turned into a bunny, burrowing her way to the Godfrey's house with Roman following her by car. He had watched the neighbors disappear into the house not remembering what happened but would protect their queen when they needed to.

Shelley had met them at the doorway before walking away as they heard shouts and screams. Kerrianne's claws came out as they met with Shelley as she moans and grunts at the cop that pointed a gun at her. Peter and Letha shouts not to hurt her before they are met with the sight of Kerrianne and Roman.

"Gentlemen sorry we are late to the party, but we can't let you hurt him." Kerrianne's now prominent accented voice said as she walks close to the cop that pointed at Shelley.

"Look lady back up, I don't want to shoot you." The fat cop screamed as he pointed the gun at her.

"Hmm, do you like my nails?" Kerrianne said out of nowhere spreading her fingers that had grown longer before slicing the cops throat once he was distracted.

"Such a pretty color" she says before grabbing the gun pointing to the one holding his arm around Peter.

"Unless you want to die, release him." Kerrianne said calmly as Roman watched his bunny at work.

"Okay! Okay!" The other cop yelled as he watched his friend bleed out. He took off Peter's handcuffs before moving.

"I will have my love make you leave town and never come back and if you do you will die like your fat friend here." Kerrianne states as she nodded to Roman to work his magic. The guy took a last look at his friend before leaving. The slick blood from her figure tips covered the gun handle before putting it on safety, before looking at Roman who tried to stop his nose from bleeding.

"Oh Rome." Kerrianne gasped before wiping his nose as he watched her with admiration.

"She looks real pretty with blood on her." Roman thought. Peter almost looked sad at the sight of the two in their own world not giving them any attention. Kerrianne looked away at Peter, who was still crouched in front of Letha.

"That's twice. I no We had to save you Peter. "Kerrianne pointed out as she sat on the small table. Her attention now is on them.

"I guess a thank you is in session." Peter said as he avoided her siren like eyes that could pull him in once he looked at them.

"You bet your ass. Peter for such a beast. You're weak. Is it the bond? Hmm" Kerrianne commented, making Peter look down as she called him weak.

"Don't talk about Peter like that!" Letha quickly yelled in defense of Peter, who almost saw the look in Kerrianne's eyes as he tried to calm Letha. Kerrianne stood up as she walked near the two. Letha tried to stand her ground, but Kerrianne's suddenly sharp eyes scared her as she grabbed on to Peter as Kerrianne kneeled down at her.

"Nwa agbọghọ na-enweghị mmasị dị otú ahụ! Amaghị m ihe mere ha ji elekọta gị mgbe ị dị larịị. O nweghị ihe pụrụ iche gbasara gị."

(Such an uninteresting girl! I don't know why they care for you when you are so plain. There's nothing special about you.) (Igbo Language: Got translation from Google translate. Sorry if some wording is wrong)

Kerrianne said speaking a language none of them knew as she inspected Letha over Peter's shoulder. She then turn to Peter before speaking into his native language,

"Dacă aș fi fost Kerrianne, m-aș fi dezlegat de tine fără să-ți pese dacă mori sau nu. Așa cum te-aș avea în genunchi să te strângi în timp ce Roman a tras-o."

(If I was Kerrianne, I would've disbond with you not caring if you die or not. The way I would have you on your knees groveling as Roman fucked her.) (Romanian Language)

Peter stared at the girl, his mate with hurt eyes as she stood up before going to Roman. But he also wondered why she talked about herself in third person.

"Get him to safety. He can't stay here anymore. Be safe." Kerrianne said before kissing Roman before walking out.

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