Chapter 4

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It didn't take long for the two to meet again. She started liking the blue-eyed boy. They spent every day together. Mostly spent time at her house and sometimes at his. His mother Lynda liked the girl. She was very sweet and caring. Lynda was very fascinated with the girl and her son was too. She watches the two laughs on the swing outside.

"I never met a gypsy before." Kerrianne says as she smoked a cigarette a habit, she adopted from her friend Peter. Since hanging out with him, she has adopted his taste for cigarettes, but she doesn't smoke all the time.

"What? Your parents never let you meet any new people." Peter said in disbelief. He knew the Lagomorph stayed in their own little town away from drama.

"No, we always stayed to ourselves, you know. My parents were very overprotective of me." Kerrianne says as she passes the cigarette to Peter. Peter enjoyed their talks like this. He could listen to her talk all day long.

"Well that understandable, as adorable as their daughter is, they did the right thing." Peter said as he hugged Kerrianne, who was happy she couldn't blush.

"Peter." Kerrianne whines pushing him back making him laugh.

"What? it's true" Peter fought before pulling to lay beside him.

They laid down, Peter looking at her as she was the most beautiful painting in a museum.

"Have you ever felt like there was a pull that you could never explain?" Kerrianne asks.

Peter felt his heart flutter.

"So, she could feel it too." Peter thought as he stared into her doe eyes.

"Yes, I have". Peter said he wasn't going to sugar coat it.

Kerrianne felt happy, she met this boy, and her bunny senses knew he would be hers when it felt right.

"What do you think it is?" Kerrianne asked.

"Maybe a pull of fate but it feels like a piece was missing. Like a heart wouldn't feel whole without the third part." Peter says staring before she got more comfortable hugging him as close as possible before they took a nap.

Christina watched from her favorite spot as the two knew people slept on the swing. They were both attractive. Christina walks to get a closer look as Peter pulls Kerrianne closer rubbing her back with her leg over him. They were beautiful, she thought to herself. Christina leans down just to kiss Peter on his lips, rubbing Kerrianne's face to her neck.

Jelly fishes in the sky

Black bunny with red eyes hopping with a wolf creeping beside her.

A snake eating its own tail.

A brown-skinned girl wearing lacy nightgown with a bunny mask.

Snake snapping its teeth at him.

Peter woke up. Christina stood watching him move Kerrianne's leg from him. Before he saw her, scaring him almost waking up Kerianne.

"You're a Gypsy." Christina said, pointing out the obvious. Peter moved to sit on the side of the swing.

"And you're a stalker." Peter said, looking at her.

"I've seen you swimming in my grandparents' pond. Sometimes I see her too around town." Christina says gripping on to her book. Peter looks at her with suspension.

"So, you've seen me naked." Peter says, making the girl shrug.

"I don't care." She speaks.

They continued talking, finally waking Kerrianne.

"Hi." Christina said to the girl.

"...Hi" Kerrianne quietly says looking at Peter who shrugged at her.

"Christina Wendell." Christina introduced herself.

"Kerrianne Hopper. Nice to meet you." Kerrianne has a sweet smile on her face.

"You too. Are you a werewolf like Peter?" Christina questioned.

Kerrianne looked at Peter with a face her mother would use when she'd done something stupid.

"No, I'm not. I don't know why he would tell you that. There's no such thing." Kerrianne said, looking at Christina with a straight face.

Christina looked down at her feet not liking how the girl seemed to talk to her like a child.

"His index and middle finger are the same length. It's common in their species." Christina argued.

"Well, they said I'm a witch and I give my blood to mother earth. They're not real." Kerrianne sarcastically says making Peter laugh at her knowing she's a whole nother ball game.

Christina knew she would get her back for saying that to her. The Slut. Peter and Kerrianne went their separate ways, leaving Christina in the dirty front yard. 

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