The GAME | Chapter 3: Conflict

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As i was having a quick talk with PK, I noticed Hyper, Logi, And Nicole all sitting with each-other and Talking about..Something? I Told PK and he said "Don't wanna go near Nicole at this time, She almost killed hyper ya know" An image of hyper Coughing up blood and His Organs half exposed..And Logi crying Flashed in my head, I Jumped Slightly and PK Asked me what was wrong..I quickly told him that i was alright and went off to see what Logi was up to with those two. PK wasn't far behind me as Nicole was asking Logi a BUNCH of questions.

"Alright, Just gonna make this Shit clear." Nicole said Touching her forehead "We gotta make a Gun..To stop this Motherfucker?"

"Yep! And i got all of the Pieces to do so!" Logi said while Smiling

"Okay..So who's Gonna do the honors of shooting His fucking head off?" Nicole said looking around. she stared directly at Hyper. "You perhaps..?"

"WHAT?! why me?" Hyper said Making an outraged expression

"Because why NOT?" Nicole said back

"Nicole..If i can say this without you killing me or something, Why don't YOU do the honors?" I said pointing at Nicole "I mean..You do seem like someone who would shoot someone like Him without A second thought.."

"Damn! thats crazy." PK said right beside me

"Whats HE doing here.." Logi said looking uneasy

"Oh! me and PK were just having a quick talk and decided to come over here." I said Happily

"What? Did you guys really think i was dead or something?" PK said jokingly

Nicole laughed and PK stared at her, When she was done she Whispered something to Hyper and he giggled.

"PK, Answer this. Would you survive a Fight Against me?" Nicole said Grabbing her Axe that was covered in blood. "The answer to THAT Question is..No, No you wouldn't" She then smirked as PK Stuck up the Middle finger at her. I could see on his face that he got an idea..Pk began to Grin slightly..

"Nicole..Why don't you be a dear and answer THIS." He said mockingly "Am I the type of person to kill my own friends..? Or perhaps..Hurt them and cause them to Fear me?" He then Glared at hyper as He flinched at that part

"The answer to that is..No! no i'm not.." PK said "Unlike SOME people"

Nicole began to get ready to swing her Axe at PK but..Then she just sighed and walked away dropping her Axe, PK then Chuckled and Hyper looked like he was beginning to regret Arguing with Nicole..And Logi was Stunned. He then looked at his Clipboard and Wrote another section after Marked and Not Marked..And put Dead on it...

An Hour passed and i got bored of siting all day long so i Got up to make some Delicious Cupcakes! I got ready to head over to my house but then PK stopped me. "Hey..Uh, Tippers?" Pk said putting his hand over my shoulder. "Yeah? whats wrong?" I said turning around To look at him "I-..Im sorry for acting like a Total Jerk in front of you guys.." PK said looking down at the grass "I.. didn't mean to say all of those things.." I put my hand on his cheek and said "Its okay! But just be nicer is all.." PK began to smile and waved bye at me, I waved back and entered my house..

I Hope we can all just get along..Cant we..?


I HATE THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT SO MUCH!! I clenched my fists and Went to Tipper's house to have a quick chat with her about Her little "fReInD" I knocked on the door and Tippers opened it for me and said "Come In!" like she always does. I Took a quick look around her house and saw..PK?! I glared at him as i entered And he began to Stick his tongue out at me, Rude bastard.. I thought to myself. What creeped me out a bit is that...a part of my Mind thought..I Hope i can kill that Bitch without Tippers knowing...What the fuck?

Tippers Asked me what was wrong as i Went up the stairs and Into her bedroom. "PK IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM!" I yelled "Oh.." She said looking Miserable "Thats what you came here to talk about..? PK being annoying..?" I Nodded and she Sighed. After we talked a bit and i said goodbye to her, As i left the house i felt better that i got to talk about PK with Tippers! I then remembered What PK said to me and Then i began to Clench my fists. I know EXACTLY what to do..


I was talking with Logi as PK came over to sit with us, He then took out a water bottle and began to Chug it. Logi and I were yelling "Chug! chug! chug!" at him and He then pulled out more bottles to drink. We were having a good laugh About what he had done until Logi noticed Nicole walking over to us, I noticed that she walked towards her..Axe..Oh Shit, I looked Over at Logi and Signaled to him to Warn PK "Hey, Uhh, PK?" Logi said as PK looked over at him "You might wanna..OH SHIT! PK TURN AROUND-"


PK was on the ground bleeding Heavily..His head was Almost Cut open entirely.. I looked back at Logi And his eyes were watering, I Stared at Nicole as she started Chuckling. Tippers Came Over to see all the commotion and..She didn't take it to well, She took out her belt and began to Yell at Nicole..

"NICOLE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Tippers snapped while Clenching the belt in her hands

"Nothing, Im perfect just the way i am!..Unlike your Little bow Friend over there.." Nicole said with a laugh

"YOU PIECE OF-" Tippers said as she Threw her Belt like a boomerang directly at Nicoles face, It Hit and made a red mark on her.. i noticed that Nicoles eye was Red and bloody..

"Fucking bitch.." Nicole said rubbing her face "Okay.. after that, You bet that i'm not gonna go easy on you.."

"Try me Motherfucker, i dare you.." Tippers said Grabbing her Belt from the Air as it went back towards her

"Alright, But Don't say i Didn't warn you.." Nicole said with a smirk As she Tackled Tippers, She got out of the way just in time and began to fight with Nicole

I looked at PK in horror as Logi called Irish on his phone. Irish arrived, took one look at PK, And said: "Okay, What the FUCK happened to him?" She said While taking out her Bandage wrap "That bi- Sigh Well.. HE made Nicole mad Enough to make her Try to fucking kill him.." Logi said looking Like he was gonna bawl his eyes out any second now. "Okay Understandable..But What did he..uh, Do?" Irish said while she Wrapped the bandages around PK's head. "Well..Uh..Its hard to explain but he did say something pretty rude" I said Trying to help PK get up.

"Okay, are Nicole and Tippers Done fighting or what?" I said turning to Logi

"Seems like it.." Logi said looking over at Tippers "MOM! are you okay?!"

Nicole and Tippers Did stop fighting..But half of Tippers was a little cracked and bruised..Logi ran over to check on Tippers as she fell looking Extremely exhausted, I Came over to see How much damage they did to each other and..there was blood Splattered Everywhere..I looked over at Nicole and she was Marked with Red spots, Scraped, And bruised. I Grabbed some of the Bandage wrap and started to Help Nicole heal. She just stared at me Worriedly the whole time..I wonder why..

"Okay So Nicole.. A little advice," Irish said before Taking out a NotePad and writing on it. "Try to calm yourself down before Deciding that your gonna end up Hurting..Or Killing someone." Irish then Ripped the paper off and handed it over to Nicole. "Alright? we good..?" Nicole Looked at her Axe and then The note...She Then Walked towards Her house without saying a word..But she was looking at the Axe the entire time..

"Huh..Anyway, Just make sure that Nicole doesn't have any more Arguments with PK or..." Irish then Looked at Tippers for a second and then just said:"Anyone else..Okay?" "Alright..I'll try." I said looking down at my feet. "Good Luck hyper!" Irish said putting a thumbs up..After she left, I thought about what she Just said..I could've sworn she muttered Something else After 'Good luck hyper!'...I don't know what she said.. but it did sound like..

Because you'll need it..


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