The GAME| Chapter 13- Faded Memories

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My memory's a little..uh, fuzzy. I don't remember anything that happened to me as of this week. Nor do i even remember anyone here! A little wind up guy asked me where "Razu" was, I asked who Razu was and he looked shocked about it. Who is  Razu anyway? " don't know who Razu is..?" Wind-up said sitting by me. I nodded and he sighed, "I'm..your cousin..Khun?" He then looked at me as if i was supposed to know the name, And i shook my head. "No, doesn't ring a bell if your wondering." I crossed my arms.

"God Brigid.." Khun sighed, He then got up and grabbed my arm, "Let's go see Logi." We then walked towards a house and entered it, To which a Pop-tart boy and a little fairy bread greeted us. "Uhh helloo..?" I said waving, smiling awkwardly. I don't know these people..what do i say to them? "Brigid? Why does it seem like you don't know us?" Fairy girl said raising  her eyebrow at me, I frowned. "Cuz i DON'T." I said coldly, She looked shocked. So did her son! Loti? Pop-tart? Whatever, What i do know is that I'VE NEVER SEEN OR MET THESE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE.

"Is she fucking broken?" Said a whiteboard with a lesbian heart pin, I stared at her for quite a while. "What you looking at Music box?" She said glaring at me, I rolled my eyes. "I'm not broken whatsoever! But you though," I walked over to her and pointed at each of the "Flaws" as i named them. "1.Scars and scratches, 2. Blood stains..?, 3. dent over here and there.., and lastly 4."

 I eyed her up and down, Then pointed at her as a whole. "Your Temper." I said smiling slyly. "Oh you are SO asking for this.." Whiteboard said walking up to me, She grabbed me and punched my screen. I kicked her and as she fell i ran over to one of the rooms, Locked the door, and grabbed any weapon i could use. "I'm ready for whatever she has to do to me.." I muttered as the door banged violently, and i held my bat up.




Why doesn't she remember..? I could've sworn she knew us! What happened to her.. I thought while we all ran towards the room that Brigid and Nicole ran to, Nicole was banging on the door. "TELL YOUR DUMBASS COUSIN TO LET ME THE FUCK IN!" Nicole yelled. I backed away from her, And shook my head. "No, I know what your gonna do ---" She then grabbed me and Slammed me against the door, Somehow breaking  it. I teared up as my face bled, "KHUN!" Brigid yelled as Nicole laughed, She glared at Nicole. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM WHITEBITCH?!" Brigid growled, Nicole glared at her back.

"Well, the PROBLEM is that...YOUR LITTLE COUSIN OVER HERE IS STILL ALIVE!" Nicole smiled  and grabbed me by my head, She pulled out a pocket knife.. "Say bye TO YOUR COUSIN BITCH!" She stabbed my head and began cutting downwards, I shrieked. "NICOLE- STOP!" Tippers yelled near the door, Logi was frozen in place by the sight of it.. I closed my eyes while praying that she would stop. 

The only things i could hear are Nicoles laughs, Tippers screams, And Brigid's crying. Greeny and Adventures I think came inside as well, To which Brigid of course probably didn't remember. But once i opened my eyes to see what was going on... I saw... Hyper? And i wasn't in a room, I was in a realm with endless clouds..? I also had stitches on my face.

 Tyce, Hyper, Razu, Irish And PK were all around me. "What the..where am i..?" I asked getting up. "Heaven!" Hyper said at the same time as Tyce jokingly said "Hell." Hyper considered Tyce for a moment, Before frowning. "Not funny Tyce," Razu said crossing their arms, "But it will be when YOU go there." Tyce rolled his eyes and smiled at me, Irish came over to me. "So, how'd you die?" I stared at the ground for a couple seconds, Before building up the courage to tell her.

 "Nicole cut me in half, And I screamed a lot." Tyce chuckled, "Not bad. I died by her too! She fuckin Shattered the hell outta me!" Hyper crossed his arms. "Same here, But not by her to be honest." PK walked up to us, "Well, i died by Nicole Smashing the hell outta my legs!" He said wiggling them. I laughed, And then everyone else did as well. This somewhat feels normal again...but...oh Brigid.. I miss you.. We then Talked a bit before deciding to go check up on everyone down there. 

"You sure..?" Irish said fidgeting with her fingers, "I don't think Nicole will be happy to see...most of us.." She looked specifically at Tyce and PK, Who both frowned. "Yeah, I'll just make sure she doesn't hurt you guys again." Hyper said with a smile. "Wait- she can STILL hurt us?" Tyce said. "Yeah, So be careful." Hyper said while getting ready to teleport us. "So be CAREFUL, Understand?" We all nodded and Hyper looked satisfied, "Good! So lets go!" 


Nicole was standing ...with Cole's dead body in her hand..

and his guts were scattered..



(Damn 4 fucking deaths? Nicole's on a killing spree!)

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