The GAME | Chapter 9- How Stunning!

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So...lot's of drama happening now huh..? I thought while hopping over to Khun as Tyce laughed at him, He kept laughing and laughing...Such an annoying piece of- "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" I yelled, I was so startled to hear my own voice. Tyce paused for a moment. "What did you just say to me?" He said walking over to me, I tried running away but he caught up to me pretty quick. "Don't you try and run away!" Tyce said as he grabbed me, He then shook me slightly. "Don't tell me to shut up bitch!" Tyce then punched my face over and over... "Dude, i think thats enough!" Khun said, He ran over to tyce and tried to stop him, But Tyce easily shook him off and threw me to the floor. I was bleeding and also covered in bruises...

I touched my face and looked at my hand...It was covered in blood. Tears started coming out of my eyes, "...Crying now are we?" Tyce said grinning, "Don't think i'll feel bad for you.." He then held me and Smashed me to the Floor, part of my body broke and i began to scream. Khun then rammed into Tyce's side unexpectedly, And he fell to the floor. "RUN!!" Khun yelled, I hopped all the way to this big little house. Almost everyone was inside it! Irish took one look at me and bought me to the "Nurses room" and she treated me. Irish put an eyepatch on one of my eyes that was swollen. She also gave me a...Lollipop? Not that i'm complaining though!


Planty, Irish, and some others have gotten hurt...So much fights and stuff! Like whats the deal dude? Why can't everyone just get along..? I stared down at my feet as Logi, and PK pulled Nicole's Unconscious body to the living room. I feel bad for doing this but...I guess she deserves it. Logi set her body down onto one of the beds in the living room, And Tippers made her some food to eat when she wakes up. Nicole woke up 3 hours later, But boy was she Stubborn.. She didn't eat any food, She fought with Me and Logi all night, And even threatened us...

Logi got tired of it so he did it early. He pulled out a bottle filled with some-sort of liquid..? He told us that it would make her Stunned, "Why do we gotta do...that.?" I asked, Logi looked at me and sighed. "We can't let her hurt anymore people." He explained, "Thats why we gotta keep her stunned until she stops or something." I frowned and he rolled his eyes, Logi put the Liquid into a small cup (which according to Logi, makes her stunned for about 8-10 minutes!) And tried to give it to Nicole. She pushed and shoved him away, She got up and ran to her room. We followed her But she..locked the...door. Now how are we gonna get in..?



I was playing some Genshin impact in Irish's Storage room, Because it has better wifi. But then the door opened. "huh?..oh its you." I said while Greeny walked in, He frowned. "What do you want?" I asked, He looked startled for a moment. "Oh me?" Greeny said pointing to himself, My eyes widened. HE COULD ACTUALLY TALK THIS WHOLE TIME?! I turned off my game and walked up to him. " could talk this WHOLE FUCKING TIME?" I said coldly, He rolled his eyes. "Well of course i can! Did you think i couldn't?" He said eyeing me.

I shrugged and Greeny crossed his arms, "Whatever.." He then walked over to The boxes and looked inside them. He then pulled out..a...gun. "Okay dude- why do you have that..?" I said backing up a little, He pointed the gun at me and smiled. "What? Scared i'll shoot ya..?" He began to laugh and i Stomped my foot angrily. "It's not a joke!" I yelled. "Chill out man!..I'm not the one thats gonna do it anyway..." He mumbled, I raised my eyebrow. "What..Do you mean?" I said as he walked up to me...I walked away from him and he chuckled. "Dude..b-back the hell up..!" I said, my voice shaking. "C'mon...Just let me-" He grabbed my arm all in one swift movement and he looked me in the eyes, My left eye turned red...All i could see in that eye was Red...

I panicked and tried to run away, but my whole body froze...Whats going on? I tried moving my arm but it stayed put, "What did you do?!" I Screamed, Greeny smiled slyly and put the gun in my hand... "Just doing what i do best." He said. "Getting rid of people, of course!" He made me point the gun at my head...Tears streamed down my face and then-


I shot myself..


Well shit. Logi's goofy weird plan failed, What do we do now? I drank my bottle of water as Logi and Greeny tried to open the door to Nicole's room. "PK, We could use a little help here!" Logi said looking at me, I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Well fuck you too..." He mumbled. I walked towards the kitchen counter as a cup of some sort of juice was on it. I wonder how it tastes.. i thought. I grabbed the cup and drank it, it tasted medicine. i put it back and Logi was right behind me, eyes wide.

"What?" I said eyeing him, he looked uneasy. "Uh..What did you drink just now..?" he said looking over at the cup. I grabbed it and showed him it, even though it was just full of "Juice" or something. "Oh shit.." Logi said as he grabbed the cup, He asked me how much i drank. "I dunno, the whole cup maybe?" I said shrugging, Logi sighed and scratched his head. "I guess you'll be...Stunned for quite some time eh?"

I stared at him completely confused. "Wait, wait.. Stunned?" I said looking back at the cup again, "Is this some sort of fucking joke?" I said raising my voice a little. "Well...The liquid i made.. it was supposed to uh.." He looked back at the bottle full of it. "Stun..Nicole..." I started freaking the fuck out.. HE WAS GONNA FUCKING STUN HER? I walked to the couch as i waited for my whole body to give up on me...So i guess Nicole's gonna be able to kill me now, Because i'll be stunned for like 8 minutes...So it does give her enough time.

* * *

Nicole FINALLY came out of her room, it was midnight and she decided to come out now? Whatever, at least she's alright. "So, you drank this?" She said putting the cup in my fucking face. "What does it look like Bitch?" I said bitterly, She splashed the bottle on my face. I tried moving my legs to remove the stuff on my face but...I couldn't move ANYTHING. "Uhh...Logi?" I said looking over at him, He turned around. "I can't..uh..move." Logi then came over and Nicole chuckled. "So your dumbass can't move anymore? sounds like a good thing to me!" She laughed and laughed, I wanted to put up the middle finger...But i can't. At least it'll all be over after 8 minutes. And i hope Nicole won't kill me by then! But she won't right?



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