The GAME | Chapter 21-We'll meet again..

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My legs are still cut off, so I can't fucking walk anymore! But at least Logi can make me a robo-leg or sum like he did for Irish. That would be so cool too! Anyway...Razu put me on one of the beds in Greeny's room of some-sort, and just told me to stay there until we can get this whole thing figured out.. waitIcan'tevenwalkorgetupanywaysowhydidtheytellmetha-


I slept for about 2 minutes until someone came in to annoy me, "Hey crybaby get the fuck up!" Nicole yelled while she poked me, I groaned and covered my eyes. "Did you not hear me? GET UP!" She said as she moved my arms from my eyes, why can't I just sleep here while they go talk to Greeny? "Oh my god fine.." I said getting up, before falling of the bed cuz my dumbass forgot i couldn't walk- "Owwww.." I muttered as Nicole laughed, She grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to the "living room" Everyone was there already, Nicole threw me on the floor and Razu came over to put me in a chair to sit on.

(10s POV)

Ughh..why am I even here? I don't wanna see that motherfucker after what he did to my friends.. But I guess we could talk to him, if he wants to that is. Hyper went over to the table as Greeny came in, Hyper took a paper with the drawings and peered at it for a while. "Hey uh, Greeny?" He said, and Greeny looked over at him. "What do..these drawings mean?"

"Oh those?" Greeny said smiling a bit, "Plans for my..'friends'"

"Huh..never knew that the plans would be so..erm, bloody?" Hyper said as he kept staring at the drawings.

"Blood is what they'll all be covered with.." Greeny muttered, Hyper stared at him confused. "What..?"

"Nothing!" Greeny said walking away from the table, Hyper grabbed him and Greeny groaned. "What do you want me to say?" He said frowning. Hyper narrowed his eyes at Greeny.

"Why do you want to kill them..?" He said after a while, Greeny backed up from Hyper. "Kill them?" Greeny said, "That's none of your fucking business."

After Greeny left, Hyper kept looking at the drawings and photos. I think he seems to know what happened between Greeny and his friends.. After some time Hyper was finished, he looked over at Nicole and back at the photo of her clone. "Guess the X mark took over one of her eyes.." He said uneasily, Nicole stared at him. "What do you mean?" She said walking up to him, Hyper showed her and she froze. "Her right eye is an X? I bet Greeny did this.." Nicole said turning to Hyper, he nodded a bit. Wonder what happened between clone Nicole and Greeny!


I banged on the door as hard as I could, I can't get out..IM STUCK HERE. Why did they leave me here? After we all woke up Greeny and Nicole locked me in a room..and also locked the door. But what for? I didn't do shit! Whatever..I hope Hyper or someone helps me, I walked around the room and saw a..letter? I picked it up and read it.

To: Greeny From: C.Greeny

Im sorry I trapped you here, I don't want to be reminded of how I used to be, or act. I left some food and water for you to survive, also I just wanna say this, pay attention to Adventures. Don't spend your time with Hyper...I know your friends with him and stuff but..something is going to go wrong if you keep ignoring Adventures. I hope you can forgive me..

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