The GAME | Chapter 17- No Reason

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(17 chapters holy SHITTT!! Thank you so much for reading this lol. I like this AU a lot!😋😋)


I was chilling in my room before Greeny came in, He asked what was i doing up this late. "I'm just chilling here, What else would i do?" I said to him, Not like i had anything else better to do. "Right, But come take a look at what i found.." Greeny said signaling for me to follow him. I hopped off the bed and went on his head, "Hey look, I have a new ha-" I smacked his face for him to shut up. "C'mon, Don't you have something to show me?"

"Okay, okay." he said walking downstairs, He then went into the basement. And there was a chest hidden behind some boxes, And when we opened them, There were 4 gemstones. "Huh. A opal, Diamond, Moonstone, And an emerald." I said picking them each one-by-one. I noticed that Hyper came downstairs to see what we were doing.

"Nice gems ya got there!" He said smiling a bit, I shrugged. "Some weird things Greeny found." I said, Then Greeny came downstairs, And he had bandage wrap on.."...The gems.." He said wide-eyed, "Shit.." I stared at him for a while. "What do you mean by that?" Hyper asked, "...I'm just gonna take this one.." Greeny said grabbing the Diamond, He then held it up and it glowed a bit before fading away.

"Wait, do they give you powers?" Greeny said looking over at the gems again, Greeny nodded. "I got healing powers.." He said, Hyper raised his eyebrow. "You mean that you KNEW about these? And NEVER told us about it?" Greeny nodded and laughed awkwardly. "Fucking ass" Nicole muttered walking up to us, She stared down at the gems. "These look cool." She said while grabbing the moonstone, "What does that one do?"  Hyper asked, "Oh, the moonstone gives strength."

"Nicole, do you feel any different?" Hyper said looking over at her, She smiled. "Can i test it out..?" Nicole said clenching her fist, Greeny nodded. "Sure, as long as you don't hit m-- OW!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" Greeny yelled as Nicole punched him in the gut, He coughed up blood. "HOLY SHIT NICOLE-" Hyper said running up to Greeny.

"It works..? Heh.." Nicole started to laugh, "I CAN FINALLY GET REVENGE!" She pushed Hyper aside and grabbed Greeny by the throat. "C'mon GREENY, Can't you FIGHT?" Nicole said shaking him a bit, "" He struggled to breath as Nicole's grip got harder and harder.. I ran upstairs to get Tyce so he and Hyper can deal with this-


I woke up in a strange place, And PK was sitting next to me. "Tippers! I lo- missed you so much!" He said looking embarrassed, I smiled. "I missed you too PK." I snuggled with him as Razu and Irish came over, "Hey guys!" Irish said, I waved to her. "Where's Logi?" I asked, PK scoffed. "I think he's still on earth," Razu said, They had a halo and so did Irish! "But we could visit him if you really want." Irish said patting my head. "Yeah, sure lets go!" I said happily.

We appeared outside the house, and Logi was sitting on a bench not too far away. "Logi!" I yelled running up to him, "Mom? MOM!" He cried happily as we hugged again, It felt so nice to be with him.. "Oh, hey PK." He said looking down at him.

PK rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with." he muttered, Walking to the house. I sighed, And walked alongside him. "Why won't you two get along?" I said looking at PK, He groaned. "Why would i wanna get along with that motherfucker..?" PK said coldly, I shook my head. "Because...- you know what never mind.."

I do wonder though, why CAN'T they get along..?

is it because of me..?


They FINALLY got Nicole to stop choking me, What a great thing to happen to me. But whatever, At least i'm free! "Thanks for that." I said shrugging a bit, Hyper smiled and opened his arms..? "What are you doing." I asked, He looked startled for a moment. But seriously, What is he doing? How should I even react to that..?

"What do you mean? I'm trying to let you hug me!" I raised my eyebrow at him, "What the FUCK is a 'hug'" I said making air-quotes. Hyper sighed and put his arms around me. "WHAT THE HELL?! LET ME GO!" I yelled pushing him back, I kicked his leg and he yelped.

"DON'T TOUCH ME OR 'HUG' ME EVER AGAIN SHARP-HEAD," I said coldly. "I WILL RIP YOUR HEART OUT I SWEAR." Hyper sighed and sat down, "Sorry.." He said as I walked out the door, "Just don't do that EVER again." Hyper nodded and i smiled a bit.

I shut the door behind me and went downstairs to the living room. I laid down on the couch and slept, I then woke up to someone poking my face. "Oh my god...WHAT." I hissed, Logi waved at me and smiled. "Oh. It's YOU," I said bitterly. "What do you" I mumbled as he pulled out the gun that Quicksand used to try and get rid of me.

"Why..why do you have that..?" I said my voice shaking a little, I was scared alright? sue me. "Oh this? i found it outside and I realized that it was mine!" He then paused for a bit. " i remember why i made this in the first place.." Logi mumbled, He looked over at me and pointed the Gun at my face. I put my shield up, And right on time too! The laser ricocheted off the shield.

"Don't you wanna see your friends again?!" Logi yelled, I froze in place as my shield glitched a bit. "STOP FUCKING MENTIONING THEM!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW DIFFERENT THEY ARE FROM YOURS!" I snapped, Logi rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, then how?" I glared at him. "Like I have no IDEA." Logi then punched me and i blasted him with the electric static.

He got a little burned from it, and he was bleeding as well. "Just leave me alone.." I said already regretting what i did, Logi sighed and nodded. "Also..if you wanna know, Hÿpër did it to me.." I said pointing to my bandage wrap. "Not on purpose of course! I made him do it because of what he said.." I started laughing a bit. "Whats wrong with me..?"

"I'm a fucking moron aren't i.."

my eyes started glowing red...

"Controlling your friends to break you guys apart.."

the clouds became more gray by the second...

"WHY AM I EVEN DOING THIS?!" I yelled, Thunder roared to show that there was now a storm going on outside. Red lightning strikes crackled in the clouds overhead. "Greeny calm down!" Logi yelled as everyone came downstairs. "What happened..?" Hyper asked, While Logi was explaining, I got up and left. If they don't want anymore problems.. I should just go...


(Greeny really needs someone to talk to about all of this bro- He has enough trauma anyway..)

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