The GAME | Chapter 8- Bloody Rage

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I wanted to text Nethr so bad...About Hyper. But will he think that I did it? Hyper texted him and told him EVERYTHING i fucking did. It will only make sense for him to think that it was me.

But i already know who did it...Greeny did.

I don't know why but Im sure of it. I woke up and got out of my bed, Which had no pillow Because of my fit i had.. I walked out of my room to find non other than Nethr, tippers and Logi talking. Probably about Hyper's death...

I walked past them and Logi grabbed my arm, What does he want? "Nicole, do you have a guess of who...Killed Hyper?" He said cautiously, I looked at Nethr and he looked away. "Yeah. I do." I said smacking Logi's hand off.

"Its Greeny's Clone."

Logi looked confused, like he didn't believe me at all. I just walked out the door, before he could say anything. I took a stroll through the Forest Because why not? and i also just wanted to be alone... But i did feel like something or..Someone in particular was Following me...


Why do i have a feeling that its Nicole..I mean, She DID almost kill Hyper...And also PK. Why don't I wanna trust her anymore..? I looked over at Logi as he Wrote on his little clipboard, "Heyyy uh..Whats that for?" i asked, curious. "A list." He said coldly.

Tippers came over and rubbed her eyes, "Where's Nicole now..?" She said. "Dunno, But i wanna keep an eye on her.." I said looking at the door, Logi snapped his fingers while yelling, "That's it!" He ran over to the supply box and started building...Something.

By the time he was done it was dark out, Nicole hasn't returned...Strange. I opened the door to search for her, And Logi ran outside to Present his "Spying Device" to us.

We turned it on and Logi controlled it to follow Nicole while Tippers and I watched the little screen. It showed us a forest..? And Nicole walking around...Irish then appeared too.

Nicole rolled her eyes as Irish asked her something. Nicole Grabbed her arm and..Oh you've gotta be kidding me! The screen glitched. But we did see blood splatter...Something bad definitely happened to Irish..

Tippers kept telling us to go see what Nicole's doing, And Logi was just trying to fix the screen. "Okay, okay! let's go see what she's up to." Logi said finally giving in.

"But we gotta bring someone else." I said pointing to the door. "So...who do we bring?" Tippers asked, Logi shrugged. I rolled my eyes and Snatched someone randomly from the living room. And i was surprised to see that i grabbed Tyce!


Right after Nicole grabbed my arm, She ripped it off. She threw it to the side as i started to cry...It hurt so much.. She chuckled and pulled out a fucking AXE.

I panicked as she got closer and closer, I then started getting light headed because of all the blood i was losing, People i couldn't really see ran up to us. One of them came to me and tried talking to me...But my vision went blurry and...



I woke up in...a strange ass room. I looked to my left and Logi was there, His eyes went wide when he saw i was awake. "W..Where am I?" i said as Logi called over Tippers, Nethr, and Tyce. "Dude, her arm.." Tyce said pointing at it, Tippers gasped.

"Nicole did THAT?" Nethr asked. "I suppose..." Logi answered, I looked over at my right arm and it was gone. I don't even wanna look at it anymore now.. Tippers Gave me a cupcake to eat, How sweet of her.

I wanted to know were Nicole was.. a part of me wants to try and talk to her but...The other wants me to grab a bat and kill her. What the hell is up with me? I finished my Little treat and Logi made a Robotic arm for me! I was surprised that he could even make one. Let alone with the junk that we have lying around.

I put it on and it felt a little weird. I'm the only one who has this i guess... I said to myself. Logi and I went to a room that Nicole was in, She didn't even look at me. Logi sighed and left us both alone. I'm shaking right now... What will she do to me?


I'm not putting her in danger am I? No, no. I just wan't them to solve their problems thats all! I flipped through the papers in my clipboard and looked at the door...Strange, Nothing yet.

I went inside the room to find... "NICOLE WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed, "WHAT? I JUST WANT TO FINISH WHAT I STARTED!" She yelled. Irish was sobbing in the corner... Nicole kept giving her stern looks, Like she was annoyed by it... And Irish's left leg was cut off...

"IRISH SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I RIP YOUR TOUNGE OUT!" Nicole snapped, Irish winced and cried silently. I felt so bad.. "GUYS! A LITTLE FUCKIN HELP HERE!" I yelled, Tyce came first (Of course cuz he was in the room right next to us-) And then PK did.

"HOLY SHIT DUDE!" Tyce said as Nicole rolled her eyes. her Axe was covered in blood, And so was her face.

PK took out a water bottle and threw it at Nicole to distract her. After some time, Tyce and PK  pinned her down. I took her Axe away. Her same eye was red like last time...


I don't feel bad for what i did Do i? No, no i don't. She kept staring at me and she even asked me about my pillow, I told her to fuck off and she yelled at me. So i chopped her leg off!

After they pinned me down, They put me into a room to "Reflect" about what i did. After some time, I got bored of this "Reflecting" shit so i busted the door down and went to go see Irish...

"What do you want?" She said while giving me a look. I grabbed her arm and dragged her across the floor to the room we were just in. "Nicole! let me go!" Irish said struggling, I threw her to the wall and Grabbed her by the Throat. "Will. you. SHUT UP?!" I yelled, my grip on her tightened. "YOU DESERVE THIS, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I said as Irish started crying, I punched her face and dropped her.

I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran all the way back to the room. PK was there trying to help Irish, I grabbed him and threw him to the side. I pinned Irish down and Chuckled... "Now you know how it feels DON'T YOU?" I said while Irish struggled, I then made a big cut on her stomach and she shrieked with pain.

Music to my ears.. i thought to myself. I then cut her eye and blood streamed down her face. PK ran out the room but i didn't care, I just wanted this motherfucker DEAD.


Im running as fast as my legs can take me right now, I may not have enough time..But i can still try to save her! "GUYS HURRY! IRISH IS IN TROUBLE!" I yelled across the hallway, Adventures and Greeny ran over. "Okay dudes! lets do this!" Greeny said, Adventures sighed and I rolled my eyes.

Nicole was Laughing as Irish was Screaming and crying. Adventures ran over and Tackled Nicole, She dodged and Grabbed him. Greeny ran over and punched Nicoles eye. They fought while I Got Irish the hell outta there.

I swear, these days keep getting worse and worse. When is Hyper gonna get over here? He is now in heaven isn't he..? I thought. I hope he comes down from there and fucking helps us or something.

Is Hyper slacking off while we are fighting for our fucking lives?! He better not be! Anyway, Logi came over and helped Irish calm down, and also healed her. Tippers gave her another cupcake. But...I do really wanna know...

Is Hyper gonna help us, or just leave us to die here...?


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