The GAME | Chapter 15- Names

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I was having a nice chat with PK until i saw how upset Tyce looked. We walked up to him and he glared at me, "Whats wrong?" I asked while PK pulled out a water bottle to drink, "You know the popcorn we ate..yesterday?" He said looking me in the eyes. "That popcorn was NETHR Hyper." I paused for a bit, And PK spit out the water he drank. "WE ATE NETHR?!" PK yelled, Tyce nodded. "Greeny told me everything...God the was so horrible." Tears rolled down my eyes, And i cried. "Fucking ass, Who did this?" Pk asked, Tyce rolled his eyes as if it was so obvious.

"Nicole did it." He said crossing his arms, "Not surprised at all, To be fair." PK sighed and drank his water. "So..Nicole killed Nethr? And..we ate his..?" I said. "Oh! We ate his guts, And some popcorn." Tyce said as PK choked on the water. "Okay, We gotta stop that bitch." PK said coughing a bit, I nodded in agreement and so did Tyce. "But how though?" Quicksand said randomly appearing, PK yelped and Tyce screamed. "Oh- uh..Hey Quicksand!" Tyce said looking embarrassed, I chuckled and Quicksand laughed. "How cute, Anyway, How do we stop Nicole?"

I shrugged, "Can't stop HER in particular. We gotta stop Greeny." PK said, Quicksand rolled her eyes. "Oh..We gotta stop Greeny's stupid clone? How fun." She said sarcastically, Tyce groaned. "Wait! I still have the gun that Logi made on me!" I said whipping it out, Quicksand's eyes had a weird glow to them as she saw it. "How insightful Hyper, We shoot hi- OW!" Tyce said as Quicksand nudged him. "Well, I think its a great idea! We could get RID of him for once." She said smiling slyly, I got my hands ready to teleport. "Okay but where do we find him?" Tyce asked, I thought for a bit. "Don't worry, I know where he is." Quicksand said patting Tyce's head.



8 deaths already huh? How fun! This "Controlling" thing is exciting!! How many more can i kill..? I thought to myself,  smiling slightly. Which didn't last very long because Sharp-head and his friends came over. "Oh great, you guys.." I said bitterly, Shark boy crossed his arms while "her majesty" frowned. Hyper then grabbed my arms and yelled for Quicksand to shoot me..?  She held up the gun and i realized in that They are getting RID OF ME! "GET READY TO GET SHOT BITCH!!" Quicksand yelled, "LIKE THE HELL I AM!" I then quickly put up a shield around me, The gun fired and the laser ricocheted off the Shield.

"YOU PIECE OF-" Quicksand hissed, She went over and banged on the shield until it broke, And her hands were bloody and bruised. "Can't get me anymore can you?" I said getting up, Quicksand grabbed me and threw me on the hard wood floor, I coughed. "Why are you just getting rid of me..? You could've done it a week.. ago!" I said struggling to get myself up. Quicksand shrugged and laughed. "Sad excuse of a queen is right.." I said grinning, She glared at me. "Say that again and i'll have you executed." I laughed.

"Okay, so now what?" I said sitting on the ground, "Ya gonna shoot me or not?" Hyper paused for a bit before grabbing the gun off the ground, he pointed it at me and i winced. "Thought you..Would've put a shield up.." He said raising the gun down, I stood up and looked at the ground. "Not as bad as what they did to --" I covered my mouth and They all stared at me curiously... I said to much didn't i..? "Nothing.. never..mind.." I mumbled. Hyper came over to me and sighed. "What did you go through..?" He asked sitting near me.

"I SAID NOTHING!" I yelled, "THEY DID NOTHING! AND I DON'T WANNA SEE THEM ANYWAY!" Hyper came closer and patted my head, "You can talk about it." I glared at him and he smiled a bit, "At least i get to help someone! Not like they help us anyway..." He said upsettingly. "Whatever. I don't wanna talk or say anything! So shut up and LEAVE ME ALONE." I hissed, i got up and pointed at him, "AND DON'T FOLLOW ME!" I said while i stomped angrily towards the woods, I looked back at Hyper. and of course, HE WAS FOLLOWING ME! I looked at my hand and it had an electric static, I held my hand up and the static got more powerful.  "...I SAID TO LEAVE ME.."




A red lighting bolt headed towards me, I fell over and covered my head. I then peered over at Quicksand, Who was standing in front of me. Wait..did she.. Quicksand got up and smiled, "Not- ow...bad.." She wiped her face and it was covered in blood. "How did you.." Greeny said backing up, "Oh me? Did i surprise ya?" Quicksand said mimicking what he said, Greeny then threw a electric ball at her and she dodged it. She laughed and ran up to Him, Grabbing his arm as she ran past him. Quicksand then threw Greeny against a tree with a loud thud.

"Reminds me of..someone I- cough knew.." He muttered weakly, My eyes widened. "But nonetheless..Your not as strong as her.." Quicksand then walked over to Greeny, held up his head against the tree, and banged it against the tree... Blood rushed down his head as she kept doing it.. "QUICKSAND! Don't kill him!" I yelled running up to them both, I looked down at Greeny and he was slightly crying..? "C'mon Quicksand, let him go.." I said looking over at her with a trustful expression. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever," She said dropping him.

"But try me again AND I SWEAR I WON'T HESITATE TO ---...sorry.." Quicksand mumbled as i glared at her, Greeny then got up. "Just like Nicole huh..?" He said smiling, I kinda forgot that we had to get rid of him.. But now that i know that he doesn't seem to have a nice past.. I wanna help him a bit.. But what if it goes wrong? We'll all be fucked if it does! "Don't feel bad for me, You know what i did to your friends right?" Greeny said coldly, "Did you read my mind..?" I asked, he shook his head. "No, I can just tell you do." He stared at the sky, "And to be honest.. I don't think you'll forgive me about what i did anytime soon." Greeny walked away and i just let him at this point.. But trust me, I'll keep trying to make him my friend!


I saw Greeny at the house, and he was somehow still bleeding. "Oh! wait here, I'm gonna bring you bandage wrap!" Irish said running to her Nurse room, And returning back with some. She patched him up and I noticed that he slightly smiled. "Nice smile you got there." I said nudging him, Greeny looked embarrassed for a second before laughing. "Wait, I'm just wondering, How old are you exactly?" Tippers asked, "I'm 100,000 years old," He said smiling brightly. "About 100 more years until i'm 100,001!" Tippers jaw dropped. "Damn bro! your so old!" Greeny said while patting his clones shoulder. "Not as old as Nīçøłē!" Greeny said putting his arms in the air, "She's 200,000 years old!" He then scratched his head and thought for a bit. "Hrm..not as big as Hÿpęr... Could i beat 10,000,000?" He muttered.

After all of us questioned Greeny about if we also had clones (And how the fuck they are THAT old-) We went to sleep. The weird part is...We actually do have clones! Wonder how the "Other" me looks. I thought about it for a long time before shutting my eyes to go to sleep. But a few seconds after...


There was an explosion...


(House go brrrrr, also yes. They do actually have clones! Who else do you think Greeny was talking about?)

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