1. decision

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One look at him was enough to captivate me. The minute my eyes landed on those golden soft curls of his and those round puffy eyes, I was captivated. That I should do everything to get to know that tiny boy and to fix what had happened to him.

When i landed eyes on him, I whispered to myself. "Mine." And when I call something mine, I'm determined to achieve that.

"I made a decision that I want to move to March Local High School." I took a deep breath, saying firmly to my parents who were sitting right in front of me, staring at me as if I was crazy.

I am. Well, kind of.

My dad shook his head as if he was clearing his thoughts. "Is that why you gathered us here today? To tell us you wanna change schools?" He questioned my sanity. That's a first!

"Pretty much." I nodded.

My mom held my hand. "Jimmy! Why would anybody leave Elite Class High to move to a local one? Is something bothering you?"

"Not at all, mom. I'm not just moving based on a random decision. I do have my own reasons. Strong ones." I said confidently.

See, throughout my eighteen years of living, my parents always showed respect to my decisions. They trust my opinions. They never questioned my way of living. That's how it's always been between the three of us. Respect and trust come first. They never treated me as a minor since I was already ahead of my age. I got educated very well. I never rush things, and I'm always rational and responsible.

Long story short, we have the healthiest relationship.

"Mind to tell me where this school is located? I've never heard of it." Dad inquired.

"District 32."

My mom gasped. "Isn't that's like the slum neighborhoods, Jimmy?" She covered her mouth after. Dad rubbed her back. "And it's like all the way downtown. It's like thirty minutes of driving!"

"You know I never have problems with distance. So it's no big deal. But if you're worried about the neighborhood, it's not like I'm moving there. I'll just go to school. Call it a new experience." I shrugged.

"Jimmy, we pay tons of money for your education. We even make donations so you can get the best shots with the best universities. Why would you throw all of this away? And right at your graduate year!" Dad wasn't wrong at all. But I still have my own reasons.

I do go to the best school in the country. It's for the elite. My family IS the elite. But I never bragged about it. I appreciate it, but I never felt like it's my place after all, and it's not why I'm moving schools.

It's an all boys school for the sons of celebrities and dignitaries. Staffed with the best teachers of the country with the highest education than average. Everyone would kill to enter Elite Class High School.

"I need you to trust me as you always do. I have been studying my decision for a while now, and I'm certain it's the right thing for me to do. I'm asking you to understand my demand. Plus, why are you worrying about college! I'm a straight As student. I'm on top of my classes. I never worry about grades. So here or there, I can handle it." I enunciate politely.

Mom looked at dad helplessly. "Jeffrey!" He kept rubbing her back. It's okay, Julie." I understand how worried she is. I'm not reckless. I won't hurt her. Intentionally.

"Jimmy, you're certain of your decision?" Dad asked calmly.


"It's gonna be fully your responsibility." He assured.

"Yes, sir." I nodded.

"You know, we never forced you on anything before, and we'll never do that. But you gotta understand that you're risking your future with such a reckless desire. Add from now on, your future is going to be fully your responsibility. Do you accept that?"

I took a second to say a word, but I didn't think twice. "I accept that."

My dad straightened his posture. "Then, we'll always support you. No matter what it is."

I smiled at him, then looked at mom. She was worried. I gave her my begging puppy eyes glare. "Please, mom! I won't let you down. I promise. I'll make you even prouder. Don't you trust your smart ass son?" I widened my eyes even more. She sighed. "Ugh! Jimmy, you always win."

I laughed and left my seat to give her a hug. She hugged me back, slapping the back of my head as a punishment. I giggled at how cute and tiny she looked compared to me.

"One more question, Jimmy." Dad asked while pouring himself a drink. I leaned away from mom and turned my focus to him. He raised his glass at me. "Are you gonna tell us about your reasons anytime soon?" He quoted the air with his free hand.

My smirked widely. "Oh! Definitely."

"Wait! Is it about a girl? You got a girlfriendyou need to be near?" Mom chuckled.

"No! What do you take me for!" I scoffed.

My dad huffed while mom tried to slap my bum, but I dodged it.

"Jimmy Jack Jordan! Are you denying your history? Who whined up about Paris once just to travel across seas and meet his French girlfriend, ha?" Mom gave me the side eye. I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassing. "Mom! I was 15! You must drop this story already. Gosh! You don't miss a chance to tease me, do you?" I leaned down and kissed her cheek. "But trust me. This time, it has nothing to do with a girl." I winked.

"A boy?" She whispered, amusingly.

"Come on! I'm not telling you my reasons. Not now, in any case. Please understand."

They both nodded. I felt bad not telling them, but I can't make them worry and overthink things for me.

I know my reasons have nothing to do with anyone but a boy, I just met once, and who probably doesn't even know I exist. I doubt he even noticed me or even looked at my face.

A boy I would move across continents for, not only schools.


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