17. Driving lesson

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I got out of school, heading to my truck to find Brandon waiting for me beside it. I rushed towards him. "Hey! Did I let you wait for long?"

"No, not at all."

"Good, let's go then." I walked towards the driver seat.

"GOLD DIGGER!" Someone shouted from a far. I looked around but everyone was at the entrance and the parking lot. I looked at Brandon. He was lowering his head and hiding his face with his hair and hands. He avoided eye contact. Fucking bastards!

We both got in the truck.

"Don't mind those assholes. They are just jealous." I tucked my seat belt.

"I know, it's fine." He was having a hard time with his seat belt. I know he's nervous, so I leaned over and did it for him. "Here you go."

"Thanks." That came out shaky.

"Jimmy? I heard that there's a basketball practice after school. Aren't you going?"

"Nah! I'm good." I kept my eyes on the road, feeling his eyes fixed on me.

"Are you sure? You're skipping practice to tutor me!"

"I know, and it's totally fine." I shifted my head towards him with a comforting smile. "I rather be tutoring you than doing anything else."

He blushed and looked the other way. I fixed my eyes back at the road. A few minutes and we were at the front yard of his house.

I parked the truck, and we both got inside. "Mom, I'm home." Brandon announced.

She met us by the entrance with a big smile. "Welcome home. Have you had a good day?".

"Yeah." Brandon said carelessly.

She looked, smiling at me, and paused a little. I greeted her. "Mrs Reed, I hope you're doing well?"

"Jimmy, welcome to our house again. I do, thank you. How's your mom? She's such a lovely lady."

"Thank you. She's good."

She clung at Brandon's arm. " I wanted to thank you properly for taking care of my baby Brandon. Would you stay for dinner?"

Brandon furrowed at the word baby. It was cute. I almost giggled.

"I'd love t..."

"No, mom." He grabbed my arm, pulling me to his room. "he's not staying for dinner. We'll study for a couple of hours and he will go home. His mom told him to be there before sunset."

"Would you like to eat something before?" She shouted from outside.

"No, we're good. Thanks." He shouted back.

He threw his backpack on the floor and then collapsed on bed, resting his eyes. I sat next to him.

"Shouldn't you be taking a shower or something?" I poked his stomach.

He pushed my hand and opened one eye. "What are you, my mom?"

I sat in silence for a while, roaming my eyes around the room. It wasn't a pleasant memory the last time I was here. I noticed that Brandon left the door open again.

"So, is your brother gonna accompany us again?" I hope not, because I can barely stand that asshole right now. Not after what he did to Brandon.

"No, he has classes."


He jumped out of bed and grabbed his backpack, taking out his books and put it between us. He grabbed a piece of paper and showed it to me.

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