12. Fever

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I hardly woke up after a couple of hours of sleep. I didn't want to leave bed. I felt tired and heavy. But it was a school day and an exam day, just to add to it. I decided to skip on my workout routine that morning. All I needed to do was wake up Brandon, take a shower, have breakfast, and leave so we could make it in time.

I stretched my muscles, which were sore from hugging Brandon for hours. I don't regret it, though.

"Brandon?" No answers. "Brandon? Wake up. We need to go to school." Still no answers. I didn't take him for a heavy sleep.

I lightly tabbed on his shoulder, but there was no sign. Should I freak out?

I realized that some stocks of his hair were stuck to his forehead from sweating. He's sweating too much!

I put my hand on his forehead, and gosh, I freaked out. Brandon was burning up. He must've caught a fever from standing under the rain.

"Brandon? Brandon?" I shook him. He weakly opened his eyes. He groaned like a puppy.

"I'm gonna go get mom. Don't try to move." I rubbed his cheek.

I went to my parents' bedroom and knocked on the door. "Mom! Are you awake. I need help."

She didn't take much to show up, wrapped in her robe. I told her what's going on while she followed me to my room.

She checked on Brandon. "Omg, Jimmy! You let him sleep in a hoodie! No wonder he's burning up and sweating like a waterfall!"

"He insisted." I defended myself.

"Okay, first you gotta take off the hoodie. I'm going downstairs to call Dr. Jake and get some wet towels. You call his parents, okay?"

I stopped her before she left. I lowered my voice. "We can't call his parents."

"Jimmy, are you out of your mind! He's a kid!" She frowned, disbelieving what I'm saying.

"Trust me. It'll get worse if we call his parents." I held her hand, begging her.

"Honey, it's a big responsibility, and it's so wrong." She put a hand on my cheek.

"I need you to trust me."

She sighed. "Anyways, do as I said. I'll be right back with the towels."

"Thank you."

She left. I went back to bed, taking Brandon into my arms to take off the hoodie. He was so weak and barely been able to lift his head up.

I took off the hoodie so easily and threw it on the floor. He shivered a little.

Fuck! I was shocked by what I saw.

Brandon's arms were full of cuts and scratches. Oh God! That's why he always dresses up in long sleeves sweaters!

Why would he hurt himself!

My heart ached to the idea of him doing that. I can't imagine how painful that would be. God, I wish I had known him earlier.

My mom entrance cut me off of my thoughts. She was holding a bowl of water and a towel. I immediately covered Brandon's body.

"Dr. Jake is on his way." She located the bowl on the nightstand near Brandon. "We gotta whipe him until the doctor is here."

She was about to remove the cover, but I stopped her, grabbing the towel from her hand. "I'll do it."

She looked at me suspiciously. "You know you gotta go to school, right?"

"I'm not going." I was determined.

"Jimmy, don't get me started. Go get ready and go. Come on, I'm gonna take care of him. Don't worry!"

"But mom!" I was really worried.

"Honey, what else could you do for him. He's gonna be fine with some medication and rest. I'll make him a good meal and take good care of him. Don't worry. You can go."

I hesitated at first. It's not that I don't trust mom. It's just that I felt like I needed to be next to him. Maybe I should be there for him to feel more comfortable.

"Okay, I won't be late. If anything happens, just call me."

I got ready and headed to school. The lessons were nothing but a pressure. Everything was a pressure at this point.

I didn't forget to visit the administration office and tell them about Brandon's absence. They asked for a doctor report. Problem solved since I made my mom send me an online report from Dr. Jake.

Between classes, I made it to one of Brandon's classmates. A girl, to be specific. Once she sees a good-looking man she'd do anything he asks for. So, I took the chance and asked her for any homework they had. She gave it all to me gladly. I appreciated it.

The school day went slowly, but it had finally come to an end.

I was heading to my truck when I saw someone waiting for me beside it. It was Brandon's mom.

She smiled at me the minute she saw me. "Hey, Jimmy."

"Mrs Reed." I greeted her.

We stood in silence for a second before she broke it. "How is he?" Her eyes teared.

How did she know!

"He's fine." I took a breath. "Mrs Reed, did he call you? How did you know he's with me, if you don't mind me asking."

"School contacted me. They told me you reported his absence." She tightened her lips in a ghost of a smile. "Thank you."

"Not a problem. Thank godness, he called ME last night." It felt awkward since I knew that his parents were the ones who kicked him out.

"I have some of his stuff, if you don't mind giving it to him." She handed me a backpack. I nodded and took it.

She was about to leave when she turned and spoke again. "Would you tell him I'm sorry?" She was trying not to cry. "I couldn't do anything to stop his father and Alex."

I felt little empathy for her, but still, what they did to Brandon was brutal. "Mrs Reed, you'll still need to tell him that yourself."

"I know. I know. I will." She wiped a tear. "Please tell him to come home when he's ready, okay?"

I nodded right before she left me there. I got in the truck and drove home.

My mind was too occupied. Things must be getting complicated at Brandon's house. Apparently, his mother doesn't have any power among them. It's obvious that she loves Brandon so much, and she cares for him, but she's helpless. I couldn't tell if she supported him or not, but she knows he's AT my house and she said nothing. She might be trusting me.

I looked at the backpack on the passenger seat next to me, thinking of the things that I've got myself into.

And the things that I'd willingly throw myself at just to protect Brandon. At this point, I don't care anymore. I won't just transfer school for him. I might as well kill for him if I had to.


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