4. My boy

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I was getting ready to head to the boys' lockers room when some girl came at me at the gymnasium and blocked my way. She's the same one in my class who asked me to join her table at lunch, and I refused. Now I'm super annoyed at her attitude.

She acts as if she is popular and lovable. Meanwhile, she's so rude, mean, and loud. I hate that type of human being. She doesn't pass a chance to get on my nerves either. She's always flirting in class even though I don't give a shit about her. This morning, she kept asking me stupid questions. Can you help me with this? I don't understand this? What does the teacher mean? I've had it with her.

"Hi, Jimmy. I like your outfit." She checked me out. Outfit! Good, she's dumb, too. "Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my party tonight?".

"No." I passed her to leave, but she grapped my arm. "Jimmy-."

I pulled my arm and cut her out. "Listen! No means no. Okay? Denise!".

She crossed her arm in an offensive way. "It's Janice."

"Whatever." I turned around and walked away.

I entered the lockers room. It was empty! Where is everyone? I shrugged, then headed to my locker to get the bag of my clean clothes. I grabbed the bag and headed to the showers.

Bang! I heard something crashing into the lockers. That startled me. I thought no one was in there.

I walked out of the showers to see what it was. I heard someone talking, and that what led me to their place.

It's my boy! My golden curls boy!

He was pushed to a locker, surrounded by three boys. One of them was leaning a hand next to my boy's head. He was poking his chest. Fucking bullies!

"Are you scared little faggot? Ha? Come on, you're allowed to cry. Go on." The fucking blond bully was whispering to my poor boy. The other two kids were laughing and making comments. My boy was biting on his lips, cowered on himself. Fuck!

I felt my blood boiling. I had to step in. "What the fuck is going on here?" I said, rubbing my fest with my other hand. They flinched, and all of them turned to look at me. The minute I locked eyes with the golden curls boy, I felt tingles in my heart. His eyes were screaming help!

"Who's the fuck asking?" The blond shit scoffed.

"Hey! Ain't you that newbie fuck?" The kid with the braces giggled like an idiot. "Yeah. The fucker that drives the Chevy like a fucking playboy model." The third kid sneered.

I slowly approached them, standing right in front of the blond shit, locking down at him. "You know what? I was just about to have my shower when you fuckers disturbed it. Now I'm pissed." I shrugged.

The three idiots looked at each other and giggled, sounding so stupid that I almost snored.

I looked at my boy. "Are they bullying you?" I softened my tone. He guled. He was terrified to answer. I gave him an assuring smile.

The blond shit poked my shoulder to catch my attention. He put a provoking smile on his stupid face. "Bullying? Come on now, that's a big accusation." He threw an arm around my boy's shoulder. "We were just having fun with little Brandon here, right, Brandon? We were inviting him to Janice's party. We're friends, right, Brandon?"

Brandon. So that's my boy's name! I love it.

Fuck! Definitely not hearing it from that's dushbag's mouth. I wanna slap the shit out of him.

I grabbed that fucker arm, squeezing it really hard. I leaned on him, whispering. "Touch him again, and I'll put your head under my Chevy's tires. How about that?" My voice deepened to a point I couldn't recognize.

I never supported violence and I'll never do, but this is getting on my nerves.

"Hey!" The braces kid stepped ahead and tried to pull me, but in a blink of an eye, I turned around and shoved him to the lockers, punching bedside his head. He flinched so hard. They were silenced.

"Didn't you fucking hear what I just told him?" I yelled. The braces kid gulped and nodded in fear.

"Did you?" I yelled again.

"I-I d-did. I did." He repeated in fear.

I pushed him aside for him to grab the two idiots and rush outside the room. I made sure they were gone for good before I turned around and looked at the shivering boy behind me.

Brandon was holding tight into his books and totte bag. He was tilting his head down from embarrassment, I guess.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

"Hmm." Weakly, he hummed.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hug his tiny body so badly. I wanted to protect him at any costs right now. My heart was aching for him.

I lift his chin up so he can look me in the eyes. "Did they hurt you?" My voice went even softer. He was taken aback by my move. He slaped my hand away. "I'm fine." He sniffed.

A moment of silence went through before he mumbled something. "Thank you." But I heard it.

"Do they do that often?" I tried to make him talk to me. I want him to talk to me. I changed my whole life for him, and I want him to trust me.

He refused to look directly into my eyes. "I thanked you, and I said I'm fine. I can handle my own shit. So please leave me alone."

He startled to walk away nervously.

"Brandon?" I called him.

He stopped.

"If they ever bothered you again, you could come to me." I took a deep breath. "And I'll always leave a spot for you on my table at lunch so you could eat peacefully. No one could hurt you when you're with me. I've got your back." I promise.

He looked me up and down one last time before he left the room.

And I could swear I saw tears in his innocent cute eyes!

Those fuckers are definitely after him. They are planning something, too, which made me concerned.

From now on, I must keep an eye on Brandon for his own safety.


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