33. Renegade

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Jimmy POV

I was sitting with Nate and Dylan at the lunch hall when Brandon texted me that he'll be late to take some art supplies to the art room. I was fine with it, even though I needed him to come and eat something. This boy was ignoring his meals lately, and that made me more concerned. Stress is eating him alive, and he gets stressed really easily.

I put the phone down and started to eat lunch. Nate was talking about the next game we're having soon while my mind was pretty occupied. Ten minutes have passed already, and Brandon hasn't come yet. I tilted my head down on my phone to text him. I typed a few words until I heard my name being shouted across the hall.


I lift my head up to Brandon running through the cafeteria doors to where i was sitting and calling my name. He was bleeding and crying! His eyes screamed terror.

"Brandon?" I furrowed and got up immediately. Something happened. I rushed to meet him halfway. My eyes only focused on him.

But while he was running towards me. One of the kids sitting on a table stuck out his leg in Brandon's way. My baby tripped and got slammed roughly to the floor. My heart dropped, and I gasped. "Brandon!" The whole cafeteria went dead silent to the scene.

My baby was groaning in pain on the ground. Apparently, he landed roughly on his knees and elbows.

My eyes passed Brandon to the bastard who tripped him. I was now blinded by rage and I knew my eyes darkened at that fucker who was giggling right at my face. I passed Brandon and grabbed the bastered from his shirt and slammed him off his seat to the ground under everyone's witness eyes.

I looked at Brandon, who was now trembling in fear. I pushed the fucker away and went to Brandon. I helped him to sit straight. My eyes traveled over his body. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I was panting heavily, driven by fear and anger. I picked his chin between my thumb and index finger, taking a better look at his bleeding nose. He was gasping and trying to breathe since his nose was bleeding. I wiped the blood with my fingers.

"Who did this to you?" I was passed fucking anger. Whoever did this to him is a dead meat.

Nate grabbed my arm. "Jimmy! I think I know who did this."

I turned around to look at where he was looking to find the turbulence gang standing at the entrance all smirking like fucking clowns.


Those mother fuckers are dead.

I got up, handing Brandon to Nate. "Watch over him, would you?" Brandon tried to call my name, but I ignored his call. he even grabbed my hand but I walked away. I took few steps towards those fuckers.

Fucking Tucker laughed like a maniac and pointed at Brandon, mimicking a crying face. "Aw! Little Brandon ran as fast as the wind to tell his big bodyguard boy about us! How scary!" He laughed, so as his fucking minions.

"You obviously have troubles dealing with me so you decided to go for him like a bitch, right? Didn't I warn you before?" I said calmly, knowing that I'm this close to murder him. "You're digging your own fucking grave."

The bastard took a few steps forwards me, getting face to face with me. "What did you call me?" He said smirking like a bitch! He definitely knew how to step on my nerves.

"Wanna hear it again? Bitch?" I said barely able to control my breaths from the rage.

He leaned closer, whispering to my ear. "Huh! I wouldn't call me bitch when you're the one fucking little Brandon. How about that?" He chuckled. He leaned back and stared right into my eyes with amusement. "One day, I'm gonna fuck him too til he cry out my name and..."

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