13. A trailer

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"Brandon?" I called him the minute I entered my room.

"Hey!" He replied immediately. He was sitting on the bed, covered with the blanket to his neck. He looked tired and weak.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked him, putting his backpack on the chair. His eyes were following it.

"I feel better, thanks to your mom and the doctor. Is that my backpack? Did you go to my house?" His face darkened.

"No. Your mom met me at school. She gave it to me." I sat right beside him on the bed. I put my hand on his forehead. He flinched a little. "You seem better."

"What else did she say?" He looked absent-minded.

"She said she's sorry, and she asks you to come home when you're ready."

His features deepened. "Brandon?" I put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me as if I wasn't there for a second.

"You're welcome to spend as much time as you want in here. Just don't think of it too much, okay?"

He nodded. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"How was school? You had an exam today, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's nothing. Piece of cake, actually." I pointed at his backpack. "I asked one of your classmates for the homework. I'll help you with it later when you get enough rest." I looked at how he was covering his shoulders. "Are you feeling cold?"

"No. It's just that... your mom made me wear something sleeveless, and I actually don't feel comfortable in sleeveless clothes."

We locked eyes for a second. I knew he was hiding his body. My mind caught on the image of his cuts and scratches. I didn't want to tell him that I saw it already. I need him to trust me, not fear me.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I'll get you a sweater." I got up and got him one. He took it with a smile.

"I'll go shower and change. If you need anything just call my name, okay?" I left the bed heading to my dressing room. "Did you eat?" I shouted from the inside.

"I did." He replied.

"Took your medication?" I asked again.



I spent some time cleaning up before I put a pair of shorts and a sleevless shirt on.

When I got out of the bathroom, Brandon was far deeply hitting the hay already, and I let him be. It must be the medicine.

It wasn't evening yet, so I might use some nap time myself. I joined Brandon in bed, leaving a space between us to give him his space. I knew he might be needing a hug right now, but I won't cross without permission.

When I woke up, the room was sank in darkness already, even though I only slept for like two hours or something. I stretched out, straightening myself to sit. I looked at the side of the bed. Brandon was still asleep. His breathing was on rhythm.

I lighten the lamp on my nightstand to see his features. He looked so innocent and baby like. His cheeks were pinkish. It must be the fever. I calmly put my hand on his forehead. He was fine. There's nothing to worry about. He's just a little sweaty. It's a good sign.

My sight tracked every detail of his face down to his neck and landed on that mole under his ear. I licked my lips, traveling with my mind. What if...

"Jimmy?" My mom whispered from the door. I flinched, jumping out of bed. I was scared that I might wake him up, but I didn't.

"Yes, mom?" I said, closing the door behind me.

"How is he?" She said while handing me a tray with a cup of soup and a cup of orange juice.

"He's doing well. There's no fever."

"Good. So I spoke to his mom, and -"

"Wait! What? Mom, why would you -"

She calmed me down. "It's okay. I asked Brandon for her number and he gave it to me. She's a mother, Jimmy. She deserves to know where her son is and how he's doing."

I nodded in understanding.

"Also, I asked her to let him skip on school tomorrow, and she said yes. He is still weak, anyway."

"Sooo, if he got to skip on tomorrow, ca- ".

"You can skip, too." She chuckled and went downstairs.

"Thank you, Julie, you look ten years younger!" I whispered shouted after her.

She laughed. "Screw you, Jimmy!" She whispered shouted back.

I took the tray and went in to find Brandon sitting on the bed, rubbing his half open eyes.

"Oh! Did I wake you?" I concerned.

"No. I had enough sleep." He said in a raspy voice. That's cute!

"Good, coz you got to eat." I put the tray next to him on the nightstand. He took a quick look at it. "Your mom has been stuffing me since morning. I think I gained a few pounds already." He chuckled.

"Even cuter when you're chubby." I mumbled.


"Never mind." I clapped. "Guess what! We're skipping on school tomorrow. Isn't that good news?"

He frowned. "My dad would kill me for skipping on two days."

"My mom has permission from your mom." I sat next to him. "So you don't have to worry about anything."

He nodded, biting his bottom lip. My eyes automatically moved down to it. I gulped.

"Anyways..." i cleaned my throat. "Umm! How about a movie night? We can lay down all night watching movies." I almost stuttered.

His eyes roved around the room. "You don't have a TV in here." He said innocently.

I shrugged. "It comes down the ceiling, but we're not watching in here. We have a home theater. So, what's your favorite movie?"

He was staring at me blankly. "Did you just say all of that so you could know my favorite movie?" He paused. "They say you can tell much about a person from his favorite movie."

What is he? A psychic! Although I love the way he always sarcastically scoffs me, he makes my heart jump.

I smirked. "Don't act smart on me, okay? Finish your soup until I get the theater room ready. And we gonna watch your favorite movie whether you like it or not. I'm curious now."

He chuckled. "Okay."

He wins. I'll let him be.


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