20. Sex and Trust

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After going back home and crashing for 2 hours, taking a shower, and getting ready, I drove the G-class back to Brandon's house to pick him up at 7 o'clock. I parked 4 houses away from his house. I texted him that I'm outside.

After a few minutes, he was coming over in a sweater with a high neck under it and the same baggy jeans from earlier. He put his backpack in the back seat and hopped in next to me.

"Hey!" He was grinning.

"Did you get some sleep." I grinned back.

"Yeah." He seemed very happy! "Best two hours of sleep I've ever had." He mumbled, but I heard.

I checked his neck. "Did I leave clear marks?"

"Just one or two. Don't worry about it." He grabbed my hand into his.

Is that a declaration of ownership! Are we a thing!

I kept my hand in his and drove off. We have somewhere to be. I drove for a while until we reached downtown, the heights area. It's full of compounds and skyscrapers. It's a high-end area.

"Where are we going exactly?" Brandon asked.

"To my parents' penthouse."

"Oh!" He leaned back to his seat.

We left the car in the basement parking, taking our bags and taking the elevator to the top. The penthouse was on the last floor. I didn't have to go through the receptionist loopy since I have the key cards for everything around the building. It's a tower to be specific that contains complexes and apartments for high ranked eminent persons. My parents own the penthouse on the top. Nobody technically uses it, but I like to go there from time to time to clear my head.

Brandon was silent. He was observing what he's seeing. Not to mention that he was clinging to my sleeve the whole time.

We entered the penthouse. I put our bags on the floor, leaving Brandon to walk around freely. He was walking around the place, checking everything like a curious cat. Cute af!

He was most mesmerized by the view. It was 360 covered in glass.

"Woah! You can see the whole city from up here!" He kept looking back and forth between me and the glass window.

"You like it?" I approached him.

"You even have a pool in your terrace!"

"Well, it'll be freezing outside, so we can't use it, but we can use the one inside." I hugged him from the back.

He didn't flinch. He didn't push me! We both were fine with it, taking it slowly.

He turned around in my arms and faced me. "You have two pools?" His eyes widened.

I chuckled at how cute he looked. "Yes. We have a pool, a game room, a theater room. There's a gym on the 3rd floor of the building and a restaurant at the 7th. There's a mall on the 4th floor. So we can do whatever you want to do."

He bit his lip, thinking. I laughed. "Why don't we start with baby steps. Let me show you around." I took him from the hand and started with the kitchen, then the private dining room. We went upstairs where we could see the whole place from up there.

"You can see the whole first floor and the view from up here." I pointed. "Guest rooms are at this side. Our rooms are on the other side."

"I wanna see your room." Brandon grabbed my hand and stared at my eyes. He took me by surprise!

We went to my room directly. We got in. "There's nothing much here. Just a bed and a setup."

He left my hand and went to the windows. The morning sun was covering the room. I gulped to the scene. Brandon looked gorgeous under the sun lights. His golden hair was glowing. I went over and hugged him, hands on his stomach. He leaned to the glass to palance himself. I kissed under his ear.

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