46. My Savior Pt.2

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"I... I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I need your help. I have no one else to rely on." I desperately said, getting a held on my tears. But I kept a persistent look.

My dad took a second to take in what I just said, and then he calmly turned to look at the people who were staring at me. I felt the embarrassment growing, so I lowered my head, tucking my cap tightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize, but this is it for today's meeting. Kenya will show you out, and Sara will contact you soon for the arrangement of the next meeting. Now, if you excuse me." He said, then turned around and showed me back to his spacious office. He locked the door behind us and headed to his desk. He called Sara.

"Sara, bring me my coffee and one lemonade for Jimmy." He briefly said. After finishing the call, he made his way around the disk and headed to the sofa near the grand window with the view of the whole city.

He signed for me to sit, so I followed him and sat right across.

"Now, tell me. What made you think that you're not my favorite person?" He paused and shook his head. "Okay, you might not be my favorite cause your mom is, but still, Jimmy. You're my second favorite." He chuckled in a smirky way.

I was confused! What! Is it the right time to joke!

"I never thought I'll ever see you that emotional. You've always had a good grip on your feelings. What happened?" He asked, showing concerns, furrowing at me.

I suddenly came to my senses and remembered the reason I came here in the first place.

"I wanna save my boyfriend." I said cautiously, waiting for his reaction.


"Yes." I took a breath. "I know you might be against us, but I have no one else to go to." I gripped on my hoodie really tight.

My dad tilted his head. "Jimmy, did I ever say that I was against your relationship with Brandon?"

I stared at him. It suddenly hit me. He didn't put it out in words!

"I'm never against your relationship with Brandon. I was hurt because you hid it from me. I grounded you because you made a mistake. I gave you the silent treatment because i was hurt. Those two actions are irrelevant." He was calm. He's being honest.

"Son, whatever happens between us doesn't mean you can't rely on me. My love to you is separated from any other issues. It's not conditional. You're my son, Jimmy. I'd give you my life if I have to."

Our eyes connected for a meaningful moment. I knew tears were already formed in my eyes.

I did the right thing to head straight to him, but I still feel burdened. I still kept things from him.

"Dad, well... you must know that I did other things as well." I was ashamed of looking at him.

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me, leaning his head to his hand, which means he's waiting for me to continue.

"The kid I hit is back at school. He managed to get us. He exposed us in front of the whole school. That's why they took Brandon. He evaded my privacy." Anger was raising inside of me. "So I evaded his body."

My dad was unusually calm. He just squinted his eyes at those last words.

"We throw a party after the game, and we managed to make him taste the crack. We took a video of him, and I published it this morning." I finished my words intentionally, focusing on his reactions.

"We? You weren't alone?" He finally asked.


"Should I expect a call from school?"

"I'm a suspect, but there's no evidence."

"I see." He said, then leaned his back to the chair and crossed his legs.

"Now tell me, what happened? You said you wanna save Brandon. From what?" He adjusted his posture and leaned a little towards me. He was listening and observing.

Wait! He's just gonna let it go! I made another mistake, yet he didn't comment.

"Yeah, um!" I took off my cap and rubbed my hair. I didn't know where to start. "He was missing for the past weeks. Turns out, his parents sent him to a facility."

"What type of facilities?" He tightened his eyes at me as if he already knew the answer.

"One they send gay boys to." I gulped. "He came back in the worst shape, dad. They... they shaved his hid. He's skinnier and weaker. And I think they did more than this, but he refused to tell me."

I remembered the table of pills I took from Brandon, so I took it out of my pocket and handed it to dad.

"They gave him those pills, saying if he kept taking them, he'll be fixed. It'sbullshit, but it gives me the creep."

My dad put on his reading glasses and took a look at the table of pills. His facial expression changed immediately.

"Jesus Christ!" He mumbled. My heart dropped.

"What is it?"

He looked extra worried. He sighed and looked at me. "Let me put it this way. Your boyfriend was prepared for surgical castration."

"What!" That hit me right to my mind! I thought I was getting paralyzed. Castration!

"This substance is given to animals before castration. We use it on our horses." He explained even more.

"Oh God!" I grabbed on my hair. I thought I was going to lose my mind.

Brandon innocent face flew right before my eyes. They were going to hurt my baby just like that!

My whole inside was burning. It was actual pain this time. I tried not to tremble, but I failed.

My dad left his seat and rushed to my side. "Jimmy!" He rubbed my back.

"He's a child! He's only 16!" I cried.

I looked to my dad. "Dad! Please, do something. You can ground me as long as you want, but, please! I can't leave him there. I can't live without him. I love him, dad. Please!" I started to beg him, sniffing to my own tears.

"I know, I know! You gotta calm down, okay. We're going to get him out of there, I promise."

The door of my dad's office got slammed open.

"Jimmy! Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom barged in, running towards me. She seemed extremely worried. "Sara called me. What happened, sweetie! Why are you crying?" She was panicking. "Jeffrey?"

My dad smiled at her, reassuring and comforting her. He left my side for her to throw her arms around me. I did the same. I tightened the hug and started to sob even harder.

Sara came into the office and put the coffee and the juice on the desk. She freaked out, so she offered me a cup of lemonade. I took it in silence. She handed it over and left immediately.

Mom kept rubbing my back until I calmed down a little. "Here you go."

She kept looking at dad for an explanation, but he was silent. I knew he was going to tell her the minute they were alone.

When I came back to my senses, I looked at dad. "Dad? I'm going to kidnap him. We made a decision. I just can't do it behind your back. I..."

"No." He strictly declared.

"But..." I was shocked. Did he just ignore what I told him!

"I have a better solution. We're going to kidnap Brandon. But we're going to do it legally." He smirked proudly!

I sighed in relief, knowing that now both Brandon and I are in good hands.


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