43. Revenge

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It was finally the time for the biggest game. I took hard earned permission from dad to go to the game since I was grounded. He refused at first, but mom convinced him to let me go out just this Saturday. So, I managed to make it to the game that evening.

The school basketball team was at the court warming up. The whole gym was shaking with sheers and shouts. Our school cheered from the side I sat on while the other students were on the other side, cheering for their team.

I took a place between the audience on the bleachers. Of course, I was isolated but who gives a fuck! I was there for Nate.

Tucker was sitting a few benches away. He can't play now after the injury I caused him. I could tell he was mad. Good. I'm mad too, and that's why I kept an eye on him the whole time.

I was on the edge of my seat through the whole game. Unusually, they were doing more than well. Nate was so certain about winning. I doubted his confidence earlier, but I knew what he meant when I saw the other team. Our school team are titans to them. It's not particularly an advantage, but physically, our team got the stamina.

Nate was shining through the whole game. I felt envious a little bit, remembering how I was once a hero, but despite it all, I was proud of him. I sheered for him with the top of my lungs. And as always, he didn't disappoint. They won as he promised. And that's when my turn begins.

Nate's eyes met mine when I was about to leave the bleachers after the game. I nodded to him, and he nodded back. Our plan was now on.

I left the school yard to find Mark waiting for me outside in his Bugatti as we planned. I joined him without saying a word. He was waiting for my orders. Anything, but my mind was occupied.

He started the car and drove, heading to the beach house. I opened the window, letting the breeze hit my face, running through my hair. A million thoughts passed by my head. Brandon. Revenge. Trust. Anger and hatred. I was feeling it all.

Mark parked the car in front of the beach house. "Are we one hundred percent sure about this?" He said.

I turned to look at him. I knew I drew nothing over my face. I wasn't feeling what I wanted to feel yet. I tilted my head a little. "It's okay if you wanna back down."

"It's not what I meant." He shook his head quickly.

I stared for a second. "Make sure everything is in place then. And, Mark..." I squinted my eyes. "Don't get in my way, will you?" I got out of the car and walked inside. I knew he got what I meant.

Otis did a great job setting the beach house ready for the party. He's the best at throwing parties around Elite High.

The ground floor was already set to be the center of the party. They set the neon lights around the corners, exposing the glass doors between the room and the yard outside. You could easily see the ocean from there. The music was loud enough but reasonable for us to carry a conversation.

I went to the kitchen area to check on the preparations. A wild party is nothing without liquor. Jesse managed to get the best liquor brands, so I didn't have to worry about it.

I found Otis jamming to the music and opening a beer. I approached him. He wiggled his brows at me. "Yo! Are your folks around yet?"

"Almost. Hey! What did you do about the stuff I asked you for?" I lowered my voice at that specific sentence since I didn't want Mark to hear us. He'll know what we're talking about, and he would think we're overreacting, ruining everything.

Otis smirked. "When did I ever disappoint you?" He chuckled.

"That's the spirit." I hit his shoulder.

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