35. Baby

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Two days passed, and my mind was driving me insane. I've heard nothing from Brandon. Where's he?

Did they take his phone? Maybe they locked him up again? If I could just sneak out, or call Nate to ask him if he saw him at school, but fuck! I've always forgotten to ask for Nate's number.

It must be Alex. I cursed him in my mind. This mother fucker is going to be up my ass for a long time. I hated thinking of him as my brother in law!


Suddenly, I was thinking of Brandon in a tux and him standing in front of me at the end of an isle! He'd definitely look cute in a wedding tux. As my husband.

I shook my head off the ideas! Like, what was that?

I hated being left alone with my toxic and stupid thoughts. And since I wasn't allowed to go out, I started working on some programming projects to kill the time and drive my mind in the other direction.

Eva came over and played video games with me. She also tried to contact Brandon, but there was a dead end. She feared going down to his place. Things might get worse.

I killed time with swimming and workouts. I was getting out of my mind. I did everything, yet I was bored as fuck!

One afternoon, I felt like not leaving the bed. I groaned, throwing my head back on the pillow when I knew the time. I wish If Brandon could come over. I mean, I did everything except for one thing my mind kept drifting to. Sex with Brandon. Frustration was getting the best of me. I miss him like fucking crazy. If I can just know if he's okay. I groaned, burying my face into the pillow.

I was thinking of calling him again for the hundredth time when the door of my room got knocked.

"Yes, mom!" I shouted in a lousy way.

The door got open. I was too lazy to look at it, so I just kept my face buried.

"It's me." Brandon little voice tickled my ears.

I springed up real quick, flinching at his sudden presence. "Wtf! Are you reading my mind or something?" My heart raced. I jumped right off the bed and rushed to meet him. He got in and closed the door behind him.

"Baby? Are you okay?" I moved my hand on his body, checking for any harm.

"Yes, I'm fine." He giggled, making me sighed in relief. "You?" He asked.

I threw my head to the back, sighing loudly. "I don't know where to start. But tell me, did your parents punish you? Did anyone lay hands on you? Where have you been! I couldn't treach your phone! I was dead worried."

"I told you I'm fine. My phone got smashed that day when I fell." He shrugged. "Anyway, I couldn't use the other phone. My dad and Alex were around the whole time." His face cheered up suddenly. "I really thought you could use some company. So, I told dad that I'm going to Eva's." He smiled in tiny, making my heart melts.

"Sneaky little bastard! Come here." I opened my arms for him. He dropped his backpack on the floor and rested into my arms. "Um! Nate says hi. He sent you homework with me." He barely managed to talk with his face pressed into my chest.

"Fuck Nate and fuck homework." I hugged him tightly, filling my nostrils with his scent. "Fuck! I missed you so much." I groaned.

"I missed you too." He landed a kiss on my cheek.

I leaned back to look at him, giving him my puppy eyes. "Am I asking too much if I told you to stay the night?" It wasn't even evening yet, but I wanted him all for myself tonight.

"Don't push your luck. I don't wanna get grounded." He pouted at me. I pecked a kiss off his lips.

"But you just said everything is fine. Are you lying to me?" My eyes flicked to his.

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