28. Just the two of us

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"Jimmy?" He called me softly.

"Yeah?" I winced, giving him my attention.

"You've never told me the reason you left Elite Class High to join March Local. What was the real reason?"

I gulped, not knowing what to say.

Brandon moved his head on my shoulder and stared at me. His eyes were so innocent and puppy like.


"You wanna know the truth?" I rubbed my forehead, feeling dryness in my mouth.

"Mhm!" He nodded.

I took a memont before saying anything. I needed to rearrange my thoughts. It's neither the right place or time. But I owe him an explanation.

I looked into his eyes one more time. He gave me the warmest smile ever, like he was comforting me to speak.

How could I break his heart!

"I hurt someone." I said out of the blue.

He tilted his head, wondering. "You! Hurting someone!" He's obviously not believing that!

I rubbed his hair as I needed some consolation from him.

"I was the reason for someone's misery. And I didn't know how to apologize or how to fix what I've done. There was no other way to punish myself." I paused to take a deep breath.

"So you decided to leave your luxurious school and move to a local one?" He straightened up. "What's the logic in this! Aren't you being harsh on yourself? It's your future! How did your parents agree on that!"

He would've never said that if he knew I was talking about him.

"You know how much they trust me and trust my decisions. Of course, they had their own concerns, but I insisted."

"So, do you still feel like it's a punishment?" His eyes flickered. I think he was afraid of my answer.

I leaned closer. My voice came out softer. "Not anymore."

He hugged me tightly, turning to where the view was.

"I guess i sold my shares at a good time then." Brandon said suddenly, grining.


He turned to face me again. "I bet it wasn't even that bad. You're just being harsh on yourself. You're too kind to hurt an ant."

His words didn't console me, but instead, I got terrified of how much of trust he puts in me. For the first time in my life, I feel the heaviness of it.

"After all, it was fate, right? I'm so fucking blessed for meeting you." Do I even believe any of my words at this moment.

Brandon paused before he leaned over for a kiss. It was passionate and smooth. I deepened the kiss, letting my tongue interfere.

The music around us kept the moment magical. Brandon winced when the song changed into another one.

"Oh! I know this song!" He started moving his head in sync with the rhythm. That made me smile.

Suddenly, he left the table, throwing my coat off his shoulders. "Dance with me!" He started jumping in excitement.

"You go ahead, baby." I laughed so hard.

He kept twirling and pouncing here and there, enjoying himself. I picked up another glass of champagne and fixed my eyes on him. I was that deeply in love that night.

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