26. Mr popular

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The next few days were something else for me. School was something else. I was March Local High's hero. The one who led them to victory. I thought they were exaggerating a little bit. But I enjoyed it.

Seniors were shaking hands with me whenever they had a chance. Juniors were looking at me in dreamy ways. Girls were flirting, pointing, and whispering whenever I passed by them.

Everyone wanted to sit with me during lunch break. I sat with the team members every now and then, but I wasn't ignoring Brandon in any way.

I had a long conversation with Brandon, convincing him to join me at lunch as my friend. No one will dare to annoy him when he's in the company of the most popular kid at school, and no one would suspect anything. It's simple, but he was refusing until I made him join me one day. He felt out of place. He was too quiet and shy. Nate and Dylan were nice to him, and I was thankful for that. I told everyone he's my friend and they respected that. Of course, there were spiteful glares, specifically from Janice and the turbulence gang. But I didn't give a fuck.

I almost exposed myself once when I accidentally almost fed him from my food. He leaned away, glaring at me. I quickly made a joke about it when I found the boys staring. They laughed eventually, acting like nothing happened.

Brandon scolded me for a whole 30 minutes that day, warning me not to be too clingy with him. Well, I can't be blamed when he's that cute!

I remember when I first introduced Brandon to Nate and Dylan, Dylan made a comment about how pretty Brandon is and how weird it is for a boy to be that pretty and cute. I almost punched him in the face. I questioned his sexualty at the moment, but I know he has a girlfriend.

Well, I used to have girlfriends, too!

I was relieved that it's finally the weekend. I couldn't have a private moment with Brandon since the game. He was too paranoid about us getting caught since i was in the spotlight. He told me that we could go on our date this weekend, so I was more than excited.

At the end of the school day on Friday, I met him at the back of the gym. I picked him up in a hug.

"I'm loosing my fucking shit in here in case you didn't notice." I reprimanded him.

"I know. I'm sorry." He hugged me back.

"Brandon, I don't want you to apologize! I wanna be able to hug you whenever I want. It's driving me crazy! I'm next to you! We spend lunch breaks on the same table, yet I can't get closer to you without being anxious! And you're stubborn about it!" I whined.

"Then how about we go on our first date tonight? I'll make it up for you." He smiled at me.

My eyes were fixed on his. "Are you for fucking real right now? Are you messing with me?" I warned him.

"No, I'm serious. I told my parents that I'm going to spend the weekend at grandma's. They agreed. So I'm going to my grandma's house in a couple of hours. She sleeps really early, so I can sneak out then." He shrugged in a childish way.

I kissed his cheek. "Aren't you spending too much time with your sneaky boyfriend! You're making plans and all." I chuckled in sarcastic.

"Well, I learned from the best." He smirked, biting his lip.

I looked around before pushing my lips to his, roaming his mouth with my tongue.

We parted, seeking air.

"Send me the location, and I'll be there at 8 waiting for you whenever you get the chance to sneak out." I whispered.

"Mhm!" He nodded.

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