36. Glimpse of heaven

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🔞 Intimate content 🔞
(P.s. For better experience 😉 Listen to 🎶 Mutual Love by Shallou ft. Zackary Knowles. 🎶)

I locked lips with Brandon, eating his mouth like I've been starving for ages. Sweet lord!

I parted from him, leaving bed and went to the door and locked it. I also turned down the lighting a little bit. I went back and roamed my eyes on the beauty before me on my bed. He was wincing on himself, rubbing his thighs together. He was in obvious heat. I took off my shirt and crawled back in bed.

Our eyes didn't part for a second. It was obvious that we're both were hungry for each other. I pushed him gently, making him lay on his back. His chest was pouncing up and down. I stripped him from his shirt, making him follow my eyes.

I sucked on his neck, stroking his waist with my fingers, making him whimper. I kissed and slurped, gaining a few moans from him. He ran his fingers through my hair, making me groan against his skin.

I slowly moved my lips down to his chest. Few lickings were enough to make him arch his back under my touch. He gasped loudly, sucking a breath in when I bit his nipple. I know his sensitive spots very well. When I looked at his face. He was biting his lip very hard, yet he managed to moan through it. My whole fucking body went to heaven and back.

My lips kept tracing down his torso. I left kisses and marks all over until I reached the hem of his pants. I unzipped it and slid it down, making sure to witness all of his reactions. I kissed on top of the bulge in his boxer, and he flinched.

"Wha- What are you doing?" His eyes widened. He read my mind.

"Relax, baby." I smirked. He covered his mouth.

I slid his boxer down, revealing him completely to my face. Apparently, he got even more excited to the sight.

"J- Jimmy!" Still, he freaked out a little.

"It's okay, baby. Enjoy it." I whispered against his member.

"No- uh!"

He gasped loudly, throwing his head to the back and arching his back when I took him into my mouth. He moaned in chaos, grabbing hard on the sheets.

I've never done this before. Definitely, not to another man. And the idea itself was beyond crazy and disgusting for me. But now it's different! It felt so right. Brandon felt so right and delicious.

I didn't hesitate to take him all into my mouth and throat. I gave him the whole pleasure he deserved.

"S- Stop! No!"

He tried to push me away when he was close, but I knew he was on edge, so I speeded up my pace, causing him to release in my mouth.

I sat straight to take a full look at him. He was embarrassed and covering his face with his shaky arms. He was a panting mess. I loved it. I fucking loved it!

I pend over on him, moving his arms away. I brushed him with kisses, sucking into his tongue, giving him a taste of himself.

"How was that? Did you like it?" I smirked.

His half closed eyes stared at me. "I hate you." He whispered.

I laughed. "I know. But you're going to hate me even more because we're not done."

I slid my hand down, brushing some of his liquid into his entrance. He winced in pleasure, swallowing heavily.

After a few minutes, he was totally ready for me, so I didn't hold back since I was in pain myself. It was aching like a burning fire inside my pants. I took them off and unleashed myself.

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