01: Meeting

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The school bell rings jerking you awake from your slumber. You look up to see the time, "Finally school's done!"

You jump up, stretching your arms up above your head, yawning. You look over noticing Jungkook slouched in a desk next to you staring at you with a smirk.

"You know you were drooling." He says, standing up, grabbing his bag and walking out.

"I did not!" you yell racing after him. You catch up to him slapping him on the back as you run by. Sticking your tongue out you look back at him, "Beat you to the gate!" you yell out.

"Oh no you won't!" he sprints after almost catching up to you but you run even faster pushing your legs as hard as possible. As soon as you get close to the gate Jungkook passes by touching the gate just before you.

"Ha I win" he says with his big bunny smile while he pants like a puppy trying to catch his breath.

You collapse onto the ground by his feet trying to catch yours as well.

"I'll get you next time" you say in between pants of breath.

"That's what you always say" he says as he slowly slips down next to you.

You and Jungkook have been friends since you can remember. You grew up together and went to school together. There has never been a time where you can't remember not being with him. He was always there for you and you for him and you always shared everything. You never really got along with girls as you were always a tomboy getting into trouble with Jungkook. And girls at school don't like you anyways, they're so jealous that you hang out with Jungkook everyday because he is apparently the "Hottest" guy at school.

You can see what they mean though, Jungkook has a fit tall body and a handsome face, but you never have seen him as more than a friend.

"Wanna go buy some candy? I got ten bucks that I found in the bathroom" Jungkook says with a big grin on his face.

Jungkook loves candy just like a little kid. He would spend all his money on it if he could.

"Sure, let's go!" You say hopping up. You hold your hand down to Jungkook. He grabs and you pull him up, then let go and do your secret handshake.

We made this secret handshake when we were 8 and it's stuck ever since.

You walked down the street to the best candy shop in the world. "Mrs. Wiggle's Candy Shop"

Yes, you know weirdest name ever, but seriously her name is Wendy Wiggle's and she's proud of it too.

You and Jungkook charge through the door waving his crisp $10 note in the air. "Mrs. Wiggle, how are you doing?" he yells out to the old lady crippled behind the counter.

"Well if it isn't Jeon Jungkook again!" she looks up with a big smile plastered across her crinkly old white face. Jungkook sets out to the candy isles immediately filling up his basket with as much candy as $10 can buy.

He looks back at you "Sour patch kids right?" holding them up to show you.

'Always!" You say coming to his side to inspect what he's got.

Jungkook knows you very well, he knows everything you like and don't like. He knows all your secrets. There isn't a thing you haven't told him and a thing you don't know about him as well.

"You think you got enough JK?" You ask as he continues to fill up the basket without realising how much he is adding. He looks into the basket "Oops!" he says scratching the back of his head and smiling innocently like a small child. You giggle "Here" you hand him 10 extra bucks. He smiles broadly "Thanks!" and he heads to the counter.

He places the basket in front of Mrs. Wiggles and leans on the counter top as she scan's each product.

"That'll be $18" She says, holding out her hand to Jungkook. He places the two bills in her hand, "Keep the change Mrs. Wiggle" he says with a wink. You both walk out, Jungkook holding the bag of candy.

"You owe me now." You say grabbing the sour patches out of the bag and ripping them open.

"I know," he says, stealing a sour patch from your hand.

You continue to walk down the street eating lots of candy. As you're skipping along the sidewalk with Jungkook you suddenly feel your shoulder hit into something hard.

"HEY!" someone shouts out to you, you turn around and see a tall slender figure wearing an oversized hoodie with hood up blocking you from seeing his face.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you." You bow down slightly in respect.

"Watch where your...Jungkook?" The man says, pulling down his hood to reveal his face.

Wow, he has a handsome face. He has cute plump cheeks and brown hair that came over his forehead, touching the top of his deep brown eyes.

Jungkook turns around to look at the man.

"Yoongi!?" Jungkook has a look of surprise on his face when you turn to face him.

"You know each other?"

"Yeah! Yoongi, what are you doing here?" Jungkook says with a big smile across his face as he heads towards Yoongi.

Who's Yoongi!?


Hey guys!! This is our first story on here so hope that you like it ❤️ If you have any suggestions for first time writers on here please LMK 😁😁

Also please feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you all think! 👌

Also our Instagram is @idol_addtict97 feel free to send us any Fanart!!

Chapter 2 will be coming out soon!

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