Act 3 | Year 2023: Visiting the new building

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March 2023,

The company made a huge success with our groups: SEVENTEEN and Babylon Garden. Winning several awards with daesangs, for sure means that the revenue was flowing in. PLEDIS Entertainment had just purchased a medium sized building near the HQ for the girl trainees to stay in.

The company had sacrificed a lot for us. The Vice President of the company even sold his house just to make sure we debut. We went through a lot, and we promised to make sure we repay them back.

Me: Isn't the building a lil more fancier than ours?

I looked up the building that PLEDIS just bought. Maybe it was brand new, that's why it's equipped with more security and facility. They even have a convenience store outside the building compare to ours.

Babylon Garden and SEVENTEEN lived in the older building. It wasn't fancy compare to the other bigger companies, but it was livable and comfortable. But compare to this new building, it felt like comparing an old man and a child.

Minjeong: You should file a complain to the company.

She joked about it before the two of us went inside

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She joked about it before the two of us went inside. Minjeong was accompanying me to visit my younger sister who managed to become a trainee under the company. She was spotting the casual look today. 

Amylia Sung, currently 15 years of age was living inside the dorm with the rest of the trainees. PLEDIS had received a total of 5,991 application and only 50 was accepted. Amy, alongside some of the trainees were accepted to School of Performing Arts (SOPA) for their remaining highschool years.

PLEDIS had put in their terms that from the accepted trainees, only 7 people will debut as a group. The others, either they debut as a soloist or eventually dropped out. It was a big gamble, but PLEDIS only wants the best.

And from the 50, 19 dropped out leaving 31 trainees left. It's been three month since then, the group will debut in three years time. Meaning they don't have much time. Their schedules were predetermined. 

They will go to school in the morning, later in the evening they have practice. During the night, they will need to learn to live together. They cook together, they sleep together in their dorms. They need to learn to live independently.

But, PLEDIS was lenient with their trainees. They were given free days on Saturday and Sunday to release their stress. Either they go back to their families home or can just chill at their dorm. I emphasize that these girls are still kids. Yes, they do need to be pressured. But to the extent of their capabilities. Don't take away their innocence just yet.

Me: Excuse us miss, but I have an appointment with Amylia Sung. I'm his brother.

Staff 1#: We know. It's not hard when we see your face everywhere in the country. The resemblance is uncanny.

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