Act 6 | Year 2026: Reunion

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February 2026,

Minjeong: Everything will be fine Killian. Trust me.

It's been a exactly one week since we landed here in London. We've been basically everywhere that London can offer. Because in two days, we're going up to Scotland before finishing our vacation.

Thus, we're currently in front of  my grandparents house.

The place did not change at all. The same door that leads to the apartment. The same apartment that they shared with the other residences. It's very old compare to those in the cities. The building was 3 stories high with red bricks forming the building's foundation.

Going inside the building, we walked one stairs up before we greeted the front door

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Going inside the building, we walked one stairs up before we greeted the front door. I looked up to the front door and the name plate that was stated there.

Charles Sung and Heather Sung.

Even after all these years, they didn't move out from this place. Knocking the door, we waited as we heard footsteps coming out.

Heather: Coming! Please wait for a moment!

I heard my grandma's voice as I fiddled with my thumbs. Luckily, Minjeong was beside smiling at me. Rose was there too before she hugged my leg. And before we know it, the front door opened to reveal my grandma all healthy and kicking.

Albeit a little more older than the last time we saw her. But her blue eyes was never can be mistaken. Her perfect baby blue eyes that was passed down to three generations were always the trademark.

Charles: Who is it dear?

Then, I heard my grandpa's voice coming from the living room. Grandma was there, looking agape when she saw me.

Heather: R-Rome...? I-Is that you....?

Rome. That was dad's nickname. In que, grandpa walked down the hallway with her walking stick. Too, he was stunned to speak. I can only looked at them with sadness in my eyes. Even after all these years, they haven't moved on.

What they saw wasn't me, but it was their dead son.

Me: It's me grandma... Killian...

Heather: K-Killian....?! T-That's our grandson's- Oh my g-gosh! Y-you're Killian! 

Her mouth was quickly covered by her hands as tears started to flow. Grandpa was also shocked before she quickly came over to look me in the eyes. Cupping my face, he started to tear up. I was quickly engulfed by their hugs as I returned it.

Charles: Y-You look just like him.

Me: It's so good to meet you again grandpa.

As I set foot inside the house, a wave of nostalgia kicked in. A silhouette of me when I was a kid ran across the hallway. The house itself was a normal London house. Quite small yet everything was within arm's reach.

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