Act 6 | Year 2026: Touchdown Heathrow

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February 2026,

The reason why I asked to visit London during this month was because it was an off season. Making less tourist as possible. It was an off season making price is less cheaper and spending way less compare to peak season.

And, spending the time in the Europes gives us more private time. Kpop is not as famous in the European continent compare to the Americans. We can have our sweet time there. People say London is boring, but for those who's visiting there for the first time would say otherwise.

But, we have to pack heavy winter clothing. Since February was one of the coldest months in London but not too cold compare to the northern europe.

Me: Rose, please don't forget your earmuffs.

Another reason that I wanted to visit London was probably I have ties with the Brits. My late father was half english with Irish descendants. Plus, I've been there a couple of times with him when I was a kid. 

The last time I went there when I was 14, I was still a kid back then and now I'm 25 years old. 11 years had passed since I set my foot there. It will be a nostalgia lane when I walked down the busy streets.

Especially if I want to see my grandparents.

Me: I wonder if they still live in the same house.

You see, the last time I saw my grandparents from my dad's side was back then. Ever since dad died, we lost contact. The grieve they felt to bury their son first was heartbreaking for them to the point they shut us whole.

They live in the suburbs, and now they're probably reaching their 70s. I just hope I can visit them for one more time. Minjeong always wanted to visit my grandparents when we were little, probably this will the time.

Me: Ready to go darling?

Rose: L-Let's go!

I picked her up before my manager brought my luggage to the car.

Manager: Your return flight is on February 28th right?

Me: Yeah. We'll stay there for two weeks to recharge before we return for schedule.

Our manager nodded before she start driving to Aespa's dorm. This will also mark as our first trip as a family. Looking at Rose, she was reading a pop up book. She was already four years old, I decided to ditch the stroller and she's starting to speak more than two words nowadays.

From simple phrases to a full sentence. She's a smart girl.

Rose: Mama! Get in car!

Minjeong: Yes yes. Mama's coming.

I chuckled at her cute voice as we pulled over Minjeong's dorm. Taking her luggage, I hugged her before kissing her forehead. She was situated at the back with Rose as I was sitting at the front seat. Looking behind, I can't help but smile at their heartwarming interaction. We're starting to become a full family.


As always, Seoul International Airport was full. Bringing a kid with us was always a cautious thing. But with Rose, she's always glued to Minjeong. Checking in, we brought our luggage to the gate we were assigned.

 Checking in, we brought our luggage to the gate we were assigned

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'Midas Touch' | Aespa Winter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now