The First Day

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Lydia's POV


Ugh alarm clocks, I hate them so much it's with a passion. Always interrupting my sleep and such.

I lifted my head up from my pillow and checked the time,6:30,great.

Note the sarcasm.

That got me thinking......

Today will be my first day of college. I finally finished unpacking and helping Kira unpack too. I'm so excited hopefully I'll get some fun teachers and it will not be as boring as I might expect it to be.

I mean it's college so basically I'm now an adult. All mature with responsibilities and stuff.

I hopped off my bed and decided to hurry up and get ready before my first day starts without me. I saw that Kira was still sleeping since she hit the snooze button on her alarm. I walked over to her bed and started shaking her and saying her name until she finally woke up.

She yawned and stretched out her arms asking, "What time is it?"

"It's 6:30 and we have to get up and get ready," I replied.

"Oh okay, thanks for waking me up, Lyds."

"No problem, Kira. We both know you wouldn't have done it on your own. Now come on, sleepyhead."

She nodded her head reluctantly and started to get up.

I was normally a semi-morning person, I guess it decided on what day it was.

I got into the shower and once I was done I put on my clothes for today.

I decided I would go with my red blouse and white floral skirt, to go with it I put on some black pumps. With that I combed out my hair to make sure it stayed as it's natural wavy locks and applied some makeup that consisted of winged eyeliner with some cherry colored lipstick.

I looked over at Kira to see that she was already ready. She decided to straighten out her jet black hair and apply a nude lip with the same winged eyeliner as myself. Kira was wearing a black and white varsity jacket with a pair of deep plum colored jeans with her regular black combat boots.

Kira opened up our dorm door to see two guys standing next to us. I noticed Stiles as one of them and a hispanic guy with black hair and brown eyes. (P.S. if you're wondering about Scott's description I just did it like I saw it on another yeah.) I'm assuming that he's the roommate of Stiles.

They noticed us and smiled. Stiles was the first to speak, "Hey Lydia. Who's your friend?"

"Stiles," I nodded in greeting, "This is Kira. Who's your friend over there?"

"Well this here is Scott," Stiles answered, slinging an arm around Scott's shoulders.

I smirked when I realized that Kira and Scott were staring at each other already. It's like it was love at first sight or something like that. To the point where there was this silence for a second of them just starin so I decided to snap my fingers in front of Kira's face to break her out of whatever trance she was in. Lets just say that it worked perfectly and she quickly composed herself while blushing.

"We should probably head to class don't you think?" I asked Kira giving her a little suggestive wink.

She immediately lowered her head, trying to cover the twinge of pink covering her cheeks and replying with, "Yeah,we should. See you around?" She asks the guys in front of us, they nod and say a quick, "Sure."

I smile and tug on Kira's arm,"Lets get to our first class and get some breakfast."

With that she also nods her head and we give waves at the boys while we make our way to the elevator.

Once inside Kira has this weird goofy grin on her face.

"So Scott, huh?" I tease.

"What about him?" She asks.

"Well what was that back there? Love at first sight?" I ask while easing an eyebrow.

"What?No! I just-just thinks he's cute." Kira replies defensively.

"Sure you did, I would have never guessed with you guys having a staring competition," I continued to playfullt taunt her.

"Was it that obvious?" Kira asks shyly.

"Yeah, but it's okay I think he likes you too."

She gives another bright grin and on cue he elevator dings open.

"Lets go get something to eat and head to class," I tell her while linking our arms together stepping out of the elevator.


We end up getting a nice light breakfast together with some hash browns and sunny-side up eggs.

After that we ended up going to class at perfect timing. We were greeted by our Proffesor, Derek Hale. I scanned the classroom to look for familiar faces, I quickly saw  Isaac, Allison, Stiles and Scott.

With that a smile creeps it's way onto my face. I ended up sitting relatively close to each one of them.

All throughout the day it was relatively filled with good teachers who aren't that boring and having each class with Stiles Stilinski. Not that I'm complaining he's actually quite funny with his sarcastic remarks and quips that I find myself silently laughing to myself.

I like him.

Authors Note: Hey guys,Ive been a really bad updater when it comes to this story,huh? Sorry about that I've been procrastinating and focusing on Love Triangle-Stydia AU more. Semi-short chapter, hope you like it and I can't wait for when Teen Wolf Season 5 is on tv.

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