Day 2 (Morning)

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Stiles' POV

Well that went well.

Better than I expected actually. Oh, how I can't wait until day 2.

Wow, I sound like an excited girl scout.

I've never met a girl scout before though. I wonder if they are real. Or maybe they just stay away from me since I'll probably eat all their cookies. Yup, that's probably it.

Great now I'm rambling.

Oh look it just got worst, I'm taking to myself.

Now I have to STOP.

Why does Lydia have to always get me flustered and thinking strangely?

I'm a manly man for pete's sake.

Right sure.....

Oh shush, they don't need to know that.


It was the next school morning and honestly I couldn't be anymore excited for the day ahead. Which is oddly strange since I knew all the manly men were never excited about things like that.

Yes, I still insist that I am a manly man if you didn't realise.

I quickly got out of my bed and
proceeded to wake up Scott. I swear that guy can be such a heavy sleeper it isn't even funny. That's how I decided that I wanted to wake him up by jumping on his bed. First, I started to sneak towards him like a ninja. Second, I admired him sleeping peacefully. Well not for long. The last and final step was suddenly jumping on his bed and him until he jolted up. This was a very bad thing since it resulted in me tripping over him, falling face first on the floor, and him rolling off the bed until he finally crushed me.

That really wasn't what I wanted as an outcome considering that it hurt a bit.

Curse my clumsiness.

I pushed Scott off me and said "Why do I never catch a break? Get up and get dressed."

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy. It's not my fault you had to jump on my bed and I like a kangaroo in a sugar rush. I guess karma worked faster than I thought."

I sent him a glare in return.

"Great, such an amazing way to start the day I was so looking forward to."

"Wait, what's going on today?"

"Um, nothing." I replied a little too quickly.

He sent me a pointed look and I gave in.

"Fine you win, it's just that it will to be day 2 with Lydia as my partner."

"That's cool. How's that working out for you."

"Good, we worked pretty well together." I replied.

"That's probably not the only thing that you two would be good together as." Scott said and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on let's get dressed and head for breakfast."

"Sure thing."Scott replied.

We finally got up from the ground and started to get ready. By taking showers, brushing our hair/teeth, and getting dressed.

I looked up to the mirror and decided I looked decent with my faded blue jeans, red hoodie, and a pair of sneakers.

Now it's time to start the day.

As we walked out our door together we immediately see Lydia and Kira getting on the elevator. So we immediately speed up our paces to catch the same elevator as them.

It turns out we made it just in time. I stood next to Lydia and greeted her with a "Good morning. Lydia, Kira." with a nod of acknowledgement.

They gave me a synchronized "Good Morning" to both Scott and I.

Day 2, so far so good.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I suck at updating don't I? Damn procrastination. Sorry about that. Anyway poor awkward and sarcastic Stiles actually believes he's a manly man.

How cute is that?

Hopefully very. *winks*

I'm still having a bit of writing block for Love Triangle hopefully that will be up soon as soon as I'm finished writing it.

Thanks lovelies.

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