Let's See Where This Goes

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Stiles' POV

Spending time wirh Lydia is like finding that missing piece of the puzzle you didn't even know you needed. I never knew I can want to be with someone for so long without ever getting bored or running out of things to say.

The thing I liked the most about us is that we don't act like something we're not. We know each other's past and don't define the other with it.

Although it wasn't that suprising when I heard about Lydia's mean girl past.

No offense, but I wouldn't peg her fesitiness with a good girl background even if it was possible.

I liked hearing her talk about random things like I'll see her first thing in the morning and she'll  first ask about schoolwork. And after a while she'll start talking about some weird things that happened to her. Or even like asking where there was a cliff so she could jump off of it.

It honestly kind of scared me with the things going on in her head. But then again I'm no better. Like at all.

But maybe that's why we're such a good fit. Its that we deal with each other and don't mind each other's flaws.

(Even if she has like close to zero.)

But for now...lets see where this goes.


Whaddup chapter title reference. Meh, It’s a three day weekend, I have projects due, and I'm procrastinating. You know, the norm. I'm gonna leave this story at here for now cause I'm lazy. So on another note... THANKS FOR THE 14K+ READS. I'VENEVERGOTTHISMANYBEFORE! I'm might be taking on other stories or continue woth this one I'm not so sure. I just wanted a bit of closure for now. P.S. I keep dying from Stydia feels cause I was really scared last episode lik c'mon guys she wasn't breathing for like a minute. Oh, Jeff Davis you certainly live up to your sataniness. That's all from...

~Ashley hates school.

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