Coupley Stuff

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I glanced up at Stiles with my cheeks still a little red. Something was different so I asked, "What?"

"Nothing, it's nothing," He looked away quickly after that.  But I  noticed something.

Stiles was looking at me differently. It was a subtle difference but still there, if I didn't know any better I'd say it's the way you look at someone when they mean the world to you. Which I kind of hoped was the case.

Since who wouldn't want to be looked at that way? I'm pretty sure that's how I look at him.

I focused my attention back to the movie and started silently laughing to myself again tonight.

Stiles probably doesn't think I notice all the stuff Scott and Kira have done but trust me, I have. I just personally wanted to enjoy movie night and I'll definitely deal with those two later.

Yet oh god, how funny it is to see Stiles' face everytime something weird happens. I bet he's just dying thinking to himself how I'm not noticing it even though in all actuality I'm just messing with him.

So I decided to give him a treat for not freaking out yet. I moved my head to look at him and saw that he was watching the movie intently. Which was contradictory to all the times he said he didn't like it and yet he has the nerve to call me obsessed. Yeah sure.

I shook my head, trying to block out the unnecessary thoughts and remebered what I was actually doing in the first place.

So I quickly pressed my lips to his, giving him a nice long kiss until I moved away.

He smiled a little breathless, "What was that for?"

"For being okay with our friend's weird behavior," I reply reminding him of the two weirdos we call best friends that were next to us.

Stiles and I simultaneously turned to look at the two and found eyes already staring back at us with huge smiles on their faces. Oh no, they saw us kiss and were probably fanning over it.

"You noticed that?" Stiles questioned after we returned our attention to each other.

"How could I not? I have to admit it was pretty funny seeing your reactions when I ignored it."

Stiles rolled his eyes, "You're the worst."

"But you like that," I added cheekily.

"Yes, I guess I do"

That's the last thing he said before he captured my lips in a kiss successfully stealing my breath away from me again this night.

Best movie night ever.


I woke up with a yawn, my neck slightly aching from sleeping in a weird position last night. Huh, I must have fell asleep during one of the movies.

I looked at the rest of the couch and saw that none of the others are awake yet. All three of them were sleeping soundly, Scott and Kira snuggled up together and Stiles face down on the couch.  Cute, hope he doesn't suffocate. Oh well I might as well get some breakfast at the cafè and suprise them when they wake up.

I slowly got up from the couch, hoping not to wake anyone from slumber. Once I successfully did that I started to change out of my clothes from last night and into something new. That and along with making myself look actually presentable and brushing my teeth/hair.

After I threw on all of my clothes and started to put on my boots I heard some noise from the couch and realized Stiles was waking up.

I smiled at the sight of his bed hair and sleepy face while he remembered where he was.
My hands then found the zipper to my remaining boot where I zipped myself up.

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