We'll talk later

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A/N: Hey guys, just wanted to try out this writing style and see if you guys like it. I'm trying to better my technique and description for this book. Please comment if you want me to continue like this, or switch back to their separate POV's. Thanks. P.S. This has to be my favorite Lydia Martin video in all of youtube.

~Ashley xoxo

Third Person POV

She looked up from her desk and immediately saw eyes lingering on her. As if the person was trying not to stare but was failing miserably. Her emerald green orbs connected to the chocolate brown ones that could only belong to one person, Stiles. He quickly looked away, trying to pretend that he wasn't staring, and most importantly not being caught in the act. Lydia just had to laugh to herself when she saw the tips of his ear burning red-hot. God, he's so adorable.

He honestly couldn't help but stare at Lydia though. Remembering their work progress and how electricity flowed through his body every time their skin brushed against each other. Trying his best to concentrate, but found it so incredibly hard due to their proximity. Stiles couldn't help but notice other things like the way her strawberry blonde hair went in natural waves down her back, the way her emerald green eyes lit up every time she talked about things she liked, and how she couldn't keep but smiling in his presence. It all gave him hope, that maybe, miraculously, someone like her could like someone like him. Little did he know, that he has already caught that bombshell's eye.

Lydia couldn't help but nudge him playfully once he refused to look at her, probably embarrassed, it's not like it really mattered to her though, she was used to the stares. She embraced attention, she accepted it. She had enough strength to take it, she always had. The critique she was always receiving, oh, especially in high school. When she was the queen bee and the official mean girl, until she stopped caring about her reputation, and started caring about something worth caring about,people. All Lydia ever wants to do now is help people, save people.

Stiles, not so much, he was usually ignored in high school, his presence barely acknowledged by everyone, well everyone except for his best friend, Scott. They were friends since forever, why would they need anyone else but each other? They weren't just best friends, they were brothers. (In a theoretical sense, we're still waiting for that ship to sail ;) Kinda sad cause he was, no is, incredibly attractive and his dating life was pretty much non-existent.

While Lydia was always getting involved with the bad boys, or better yet the bad guys, and when she figured that out she realized that she didn't want to be with someone like that. No matter how much she cared for them. But, it was time she got over them, time to stop being with the bad guys. Now she was looking for a nice, decent guy, and who knows? That guy can and most possibly be Stiles. Hell, he was number one on her list. Not that she had a list but if she did, well... you know the rest.

That was the thing, she was over superficial things like popularity, but that certainly didn't mean that she didn't care about her appearance. I mean, you could still look good without being a bitch. Although she still had that side of her, the mean side, and thankfully it didn't come out as much. Well, not unless you pissed her off. Then you would see that this kitten got claws.

On the other hand Stiles was only useful for sarcastic comments and negativity, very much like a certain cinnamon roll, named Isaac. But hey, he's useful in situations. Right? Note the uncertainty.

Back to the events that are happening right now. Stiles has finally looked back at Lydia, and he certainly wasn't expecting her eyes already on him. Not that he minded it gave him a warmth that passed through his body. He flashed her a small shy smile in her direction while she sent him a full fledged grin. Holy shit, he think he forgot how to breathe for a second. To know that the smile that she gave him was for specifically him and no body else. Knowing fully well that she didn't love her smile as much as she should. That was probably one of the only things she was kind of insecure about. Although there was nothing to be insecure about, he loved her smiles. Probably more than he loves anyone else's.

"We'll talk later, okay?" Lydia asked quietly, not trying to draw attention to herself while the professor was talking.

All Stiles could do was nod dumbly, already putty in her hands.

She then bit her bottom lip and smiled again, before turning back to the board and taking her notes again.

'She is such a nerd', Stiles thought. 'But hey, so am I."

With that Stiles finally focused his attention to the board, a thing he was supposed to be paying all his attention to all this time. Yet, he couldn't help his mind drifting to what Lydia wanted to talk to him about.

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