Movie Night

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Quick A/N: Please read the long author's note at the end. I have some explaining to do...and I'll establish the update schedule.


Since we finished early (even if it was mostly because of Lydia), we decided that we should have some fun tonight. After all that work we didn't really want to go out and instead settled for a movie date in the dorm instead.

Just a little one on one action for the both of us-even though we had lots with the project but we were to busy to enjoy-. Whatever I just know it's going to be the best.


How did this even happen?

I went over the past events of tonight and cringed. Well I guess you don't understand so let me explain the situation here. You know how I was saying how I looked forward to some alone time with Lydia and how it was going to be the best. Well, I think I jinxed myself and very badly.

Somehow Scott and Kira got a hold of our plans to hang out (I swear they were listening from the other side of the wall -trust me we caught them before and it was kinda creepy.) Once that happened they kind of just invited themselves to join. I don't even think it was to cockblock, I think it was just to observe their "ship" as they described it. Yeah I know, they're the worst.

Those two aren't even being subtle to wanting to see Lyds and I be coupley together. First off, somehow Kira and Scott took up all the room on the couch so there was no choice but for Lydia and I to be sat really close together.

Not that I really minded of course, I probably would have tried to anyway. Next those weirdos somehow only had heart shaped snacks available and made sure they were so large they had to be shared between two people.

It's weird too, I mean they only found out an hour ago. Does that mean they had this planned for another time too? I mentally shivered, those two were pretty scary.

Anyways that's not even the worst part, I think they really want Lyd and I to kiss. All the movies they picked out, (yes they even chose the movies) all have the titles with the word kiss in it and all very romance based.

Not to mention the weird messages around the dorm that say 'kiss each other already. we wanna seeeeee.'

I don't even know how they do it, I wish I had that much free time. Really, my life would be so much easier.

Honestly I don't even think Lydia is even bothered or better yet haven't even noticed what they're doing yet. I mean for someone so smart she isn't getting the hint, like, at all.

Shs just happily snuggled in closer to my chest, consumed all the snacks and I swear she could have eaten it all by herself if I didn't take half of it from her, and didn't mind the movies since she's a sucker for romance in a whole.

"Come on, Stiles you're missing the best part of it," Lydia snapped me out of my inner thoughts.

"Oh-um yeah," I mean it's not like I could have focused with her so close to me anyway. Damn, I'm nervous, I can hear my heart pound.

I hope she can't feel it.

I forced my eyes to look at the movie again, oh great the clumsy main girl just fell down the stairs. Oh wait, suprizzle, the popular guy catches her. Le gasp, romance is made. The typical stare happens, blushies, then running away and falling again. Welp that's something I guess.

As much as I'm trying I just can't pay attention to the movie. It's all so basic which means I've already seen it. Still though a little cliche themes never hurt anyone, they're popular for a reason. At least the characters are likeable, they must have some depth somewhere in their bodies. Right?

"Hey Stiles," Lydia whispered, "you seem really into the movie. And here I thought you were more a Star Wars kinda guy."

"It's not that I'm into it Lydia, I'm judging it mentally."

That little devil gave me a cheeky smile saying, "Sureeee Stiles, that's definitely the reason."

I glared at her, she's too sarcastic for her own good.

"Says the one who eats up this stuff Lyd, as much as you try to deny it, you just love love. Especially the corny and cheesy movies."

Lydia looked down, a pink tint on her cheeks. Awww, she's embarrassed. Maybe I should stop teasing her-no Stiles, don't give in.

It's too late I realized, I'm lost in those beautiful green eyes, and I don't think I ever want to be found.


A/N: That's the end for'll be picked up on next chaper. Okay so I know I legitimately haven't updated in forever. Well first off thank you for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it. I bet a lot of you were wondering why the updates just stopped well there's a couple of things that goes into it.

The thing is that this story could have major improvements, it's pretty generic to me but I think I did a pretty good job further on, and I was struggling with the flow of the story. The last couple of chapters have been pretty choppy and didn't really fit, being more of just random cute/weird moments since I didn't even know what was going on in my own story since those publishing gaps were pretty big. I found myself going back to the last chapter to try to be consistent but was failing. But hey, you guys seem to really like this story and that means a lot to me.

Okay so now I'm getting back to this book, I didn't really put it on hold but I didn't not not do it. Basically I have a schedule now that I want to write by every week, I'll try to update by at least the weekend but it might come earlier, it all depends really. Well um that's all.

P.S. I know I said I wanted to do 5 chapters but I underestimated how much hw I really had this week, so instead I made this extra long. Since its like 3x larger than the last chapter. Which is as long as I could with how much time I had the last two days. Just for you guys, just for you.

~Your girl, Ashley ♡_♡

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