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Lydia's POV

After being paired up with Stiles,I woke up cheerful and happy. The first thing that I did this morning was wake up Kira. I swear that girl could practically sleep through anything,it doesn't matter though I love her anyway. I walked over to her side of the room and went up to her bed and gently shook her awake. When she finally started to squirm and get her eyelids fluttered opened I told her to get ready for today. She agreed reluctantly and started to stretch and yawn like a cat. Oh, Kira...

Suddenly my train of thought got me thinking to yesterday I have to admit that I really enjoy being partnered up with Stiles even if it was accidental and might as well make the most out of it,right? That was a rhetorical question by the way. Then I hopped out of bed and started my daily routine. Which included showering,getting dressed,brushing my teeth and hair,etc. I decided that for my outfit for today I'll be wearing a maroon sweetheart neckline dress with a white cardigan matched with white boots. For my hair style I put it into a bun with a few strands of hair popping out so I wouldn't seem to uptight and proper. While for my makeup was some foundation and nude colored lipstick.

After that I grabbed my school bag I looked at Kira at across the room doing the same thing as me. I looked over her outfit and saw that she wearing her hair tied up into a ponytail and only some lipgloss on her lips. As for her clothes she was wearing a purple button up shirt along with some tribal print leggings. That she decided to pair with a pair of black and white sneakers.

"Guess what?"I asked her.


"I got partnered with Stiles for the English project."

"Cool, so more time with your boyfriend."Kira said nudging me while winking.

I slapped her arm playfully and said "He's not my boyfriend." Not yet anyway.

Wait what?

Stiles as my boyfriend, suuure.

It's not like I don't want him to be but I barely know him.

Maybe in time.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Kira waved her hands in front of my face.

"You okay there?"Kira asked

"Yeah sorry just spaced out for a bit." I replied with a sheepish smile.

"Well don't do it again, let's start heading to campus to do some stuff."

"Sure thing."

That's when we went down the hall and did our day normally. I was kinda disappointed when I didn't see Stiles this morning. Even though he's in all my classes I didn't get to talk to him.

Well that's until my English period. Now let's see what we well actually be working on.

When I arrived at the class I made a b-line to the empty seat next to Stiles since we got to sit wherever we want to. So since were partners I thought why the hell not.

When Mr.Hale walked into the room everyone quieted down.

He explained that for the whole partner pairing we can pick whoever we want to work with. I looked over to Stiles and he winked at me. I shook my head chuckling at him under my breath. He also explained that the project had to have something to do with poetry or a poet. I had to say that the idea was intriguing and I would be lying if I said that I was already planning out all details.

He then told us to go with our partners. As on cue, Stiles walked up to my desk and gently tapped on it.

"Hey partner." He greeted me with a smile on his face.

I returned the smile and said, "Hello there partner."

He sat down on the desk next to me casually.

I looked over at the clock and saw that the period was almost over.

"This period will be over in a bit so where do you wanna meet up for discussing the details and ideas?"I asked him.

"Um," He said with a contemplating look on his face.
"How about you come over to my room later?I'll text you the exact time."

"Sure, that sounds good."I replied

After I just finished answering the bell rang to show that class was over.

"See you later." I got up and grabbed my bag waving goodbye.

I exited the classroom and looked forward to working on our project together.

With that I waited until the hours went by.

Author's Note: Well I'm a really bad updater for this story. Sorry,I procrastinate a lot. Always reading so many books in my library. Also there is going to be some new stories that aren't Stydia related that I'll be publishing soon after I finished this book and Love Triangle. I have to say that they aren't really cliche and I like their story lines. They're in my drafts right now. But, I am planning a 2 book Stydia AU soon. Thanks for reading lovelies.

~Ashley (That's my name. Since you guys didn't know it yet.)

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