The Date

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After conversating with Scott and Kira they finally meshed their thoughts together and came up with the perfect date for the two. And let's just say that this one will be sweet, real sweet.


That's how Stiles ended up at Lydia's dorm room, waiting for her.

As the strawberry blonde finally opened the door, he gawked at the sight. She literally looked like a greek goddess, more than she usually does.

"Hey," She greeted the gawking boy, loving the affect she has on him.

"Uh, H-Hey," He cursed his voice for sounding scratchy for a second until it finally went back to normal. "You ready?"

"Yeah, that's why I opened the door." Lydia deadpanned.

"Yeah-right, of course."

She smiled and took his hand, "Now what are you waiting for? Lets go."

He could only grin as the strawberry blonde held onto his hand and led him out of the building. Only to find that she had absolutely no idea where his jeep was or where he was taking her for that matter.

All she got from the details for the date was wear something you wanna wear.

Taking Lydia out of her misery he began dragging her to where he parked his four wheeled love  at.

Although that wouldn't stop Lydia from repeatedly asking the same question of 'Where are we going?' and Stiles just blatantly ignoring her.

After a long drive of Lydia childlishly whining and Stiles putting up the volume of the radio, they were finally at their desired location...

A Hershey Chocolate factory.

"Um, why are we here?" Lydia asked, dumbfounded.

"This is where we're having our first date."

"At a chocolate factory?"

"At a chocolate factory."

It was only one second before Lydia was jumping up and down with excitement, she was just a little sugar crazy...or a lot. Yeah, it was the second option.

"How did you manage to have this place all by ourseleves for our date?"

"This one guy owed me a favor, now we can have whatever kind of sweets we want in there."

"Really? Can I bring some home?"

"Well yeah, I'm sure there's some plastic baggies in there."

"Or I can just stuff some in my purse." Lydia retorted.

He shrugged, "I guess you could do that too."

The second that sentence flew from his lips, he was getting pulled into the opened factory doors, with a very excited Lydia by his side.


Hours later of talking, treats, and spedlnding time with each other had the end of their date coming close. Which explained the couple leaning against Stiles' jeep just wanting the moment to last.
But that could also explain what was happening in that very moment.

"Do you want a kiss?" Lydia suddenly asked.

"You mean right now? Oh I thought...." Stiles started to ramble on.

"Oh, so you don't want a kiss from me?"

"NO! I mean yes,uh-"

Deciding to take Stiles finally out of his misery she lifted up the bag of hershey kisses to his eye level, her grin widening as she did so.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he finally processed that she was just playing with him. "You little-" He started before she cut him off once again.

"Soo, you want one or not 'cause I'll just eat them all by myself if you don't want them," She asked him with a cheeky smile gracing her lips.

He rolled his eyes playfully, "You're so cheeky Lydia, but yes I will have one."

She gave him another smile before pulling out on of the kisses from her bag.

He quickly unwrapped it and slipped the chocolate into his mouth.

"You know I really had fun on this date right, Stiles? 'Cause if you didn't I wanted to make it very clear."

"I'm glad you did, I guess this would be the perfect time to ask for another date, huh?"

"I can do you one better,"

"By how?" Stiles questioned, curious in her answer.

"By this," Was all she responded before grabbing his head and pulling her down to her height where she finally pressed her lips to his.


A/N: You guys are soo lucky it's winter break...This was soo mushy, I think I died of their cuteness. Honestly I wasn't planning for them to kiss this early but hey I like it. I miraculously got this idea since I kinda wanted to tease my crush with this idea of Hershey kisses. I know I'm a dork. Trust me. Also, could you be a doll and check out my new book 'LEFT IN SHATTERS'? Anyway that's all for now, Happy Holidays!

~Ashley, the crying bookworm since one of the books I just read broke my fragile heart. Eh, this is a daily occurence.

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