Double the Date, Double the Fun

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The cool air whisked past all of us on the way to the ice skating rink. After careful consideration and lots of options, the girls finally came up with what they wanted to do with the 4 of us. Ultimately Scott and I agreed since we left all that stuff to Lydia and Kira who really didn't need our help in the first place.

We all agreed that it had been a while anyway and seemed like fun. I was just happy there was a close one near the college that we could walk to. Not that I would have mind taking the jeep but hey anything to save some gas with today's prices right.

Anyway the girls were chatting up a storm while I started up a conversation with Scott.

"So ice skating...." I trailed off.

"Yeah," He nodded. "Wait, you're not that good at ice skating are you?"

"Ummm no. I think it's because of my clumsiness."

"Mmmm it makes sense. So why'd you agree to go then?"

"I don't know, you guys all seemed excited so I didn't want to ruin that."

"You know you didn't have to right? We could have picked something else."

"No, no it's okay. I'll have you know that I quite enjoy falling on my face thank you very much. It really fuels my masochistic side," I joked.

Scott smiled, "Well that won't happen since you can hold onto Lydia the whole time. Pretty good excuse too."

"It's not an excuse, idiot. We literally just discussed how I'm not that good at ice skating."

"Mhmmm," Scott winked at me.

I rolled my eyes exasperated, why do I call that guy my best friend again?

"Cause you love me," Scott said to my side.

'Wait did I say that out loud???'

"Yes you did and you still are."

"Shit," I cursed.


After a couple more minutes of walking and Scott's endless teasing we finally made it. Suprisingly there wasn't anyone in there so for a second I thought it was closed. That is until Scott took out some keys and opened it himself.

"You know it's quite convenient that you guys chose ice skating," Scott began. "Since I so happen to know the owner and he owes me a favor." (A/N: Book logic ;) am I right?)

"How many people owe these two?" I heard Lydia question.

I laughed a little to myself, if only she knew how many people we've helped over the years. I snapped out of my thinking once I heard the door open. That's a story for another time I guess.

Immediately we were hit with another gust of cool air and I smiled, still slightly scared. If you ever went ice-skating and fell then you'd understand my fear.

"Don't worry I won't let you fall," I heard Lydia say beside me once she slipped our hands together, tangling our fingers.

"How'd you know?"

"I'm not deaf you know when you were talking with Scott. Not to mention the pure look of terror that was on your face when you looked at the rink."

"I was not terrified," I defended myself which Lydia gave me a look in exchange, "Maybe just a bit scared...."

Lydia had a triumphant look on her face which I wanted to wipe right off but since I can't do that physically I just rolled my eyes, playfully annoyed.

"Come on," Lydia said pulling on my hand, "it's time to our on our skates and iceskate."

"Ehhhhh," I trailed off unsurely.
Lydia just jokingly pushed me and lead the both of us into the bleachers to get our stuff out.


I finally finished tying up the last lace of my skate which I may or may not been prolonging.

Lydia said I was taking too long so she started doing some warm-ups on the ice and I have to say that she was good. Doing all those twirls and spins and all the stuff I don't know the names of.
She looked stunning though, a smile lighting up her face as she glided effortlessly. I definitely was not regretting my choice, I'd do anything to make that girl happy.

Lydia finally got out of her own little world noticing me in awe of her pure beauty. She waved me over, her eyes sparkling in delight. I finally let it all go, my fear, my worry,my angst, since it didn't matter anymore, nothing mattered. Not with her by my side anyway. It was like if I was with her then I didn't need anything else. So when I was being pulled by the arms and across the ice with my Lydia, I let myself go.

It seemed like Scott and Kira were doing the same exact thing they were having the time of their life. I can't believe I didn't hear them before since they were loud with their laughing and smiling and talking. I couldn't help but smile too, I was here with the girl of my dreams and my best friends and my best friends girlfriend. Yes Kira was his girlfriend.

So with Lydia's help we glided across the ice. Of course I was stumbling a bit and she probably could have been closing her eyes while doing it but with her I sucked a little less.

After a couple of minutes of trying to find my balance and not fall on my face I relaxed completely. I started making small talk with everyone and told some bad jokes that Lydia can't help but laugh at.

I was with my friends and having the time of my life and right now I couldn't be any more happy.

A/N: If you guys haven't noticed I'm not really one for conflict so don't really expect that. It's just going to be really fluffy and a story about Stydia dating since Teen Wolf gives us enough problems. Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying and I'm really trying now considering the last chapter took me an hour to write and had 1500+ words. Trust me I'm proud too. Vote? Comment? Both make me really happy :) That's all byeeeeeee

~Ashley ☆☆☆

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