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Lydia's POV

I sighed in content, finally here at the one place I wanted to be. With the person I wanted to be with. As in company, nothing else.

Mmmmm....sure. Nothing else. (Not buying it face)

Oh, how I hate my subconscious.

Love you too.

I raised my fist to the door and was in mid-knock before the door suddenly burst open and my fist made contact with his face. Bloody hell. With a grunt he slouched over and held his nose.

"Oh my god! That was completely by accident. I was knocking and you came out of nowhere." My voice was raised an octave sounding slightly panicked.

"Well, your fist came out of nowhere." He supplied with a sarcastic tone.

"Haha, very funny, come on let me help you up."'

That's when I rushed by his side and stood him up straight. 

"You know you don't look like it, but you can deliver a mean right hook."

"Yeah, well I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should take it as one. Probably the hardest punch I've ever received."

"So, you've been punched before then." I mused.

"A couple of times," Stiles shrugged. "But, none nearly as effective as that and that wasn't even a real punch. How do you know how to do that?"

"I know how to take care of myself, thank you very much."

"Then no damsel in the distress for you."

"Exactly," I grinned.

"Well back on topic, how about we get you inside so we can work on our project."

"That was what I came here to do after all."

"Come right inside, milady." He gestured inside.

"Gladly," And with that I entered his dorm room.



Short mini chapter but just enough to take this book officially off hold. I'm also in the process of making a book that's non-stydia related and I'd really appreciate it if you checked out the prologue. The rest is coming out soon. 

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