Finally Sailing

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"Holy shit," Lydia thought to herself. After closing the door after Stiles awkwardly said his goodbyes, she finally came to the realIzation that they are in fact dating now. Well about to go on dates. That thought was enough for Lydia to break out into a happy dance.

Unfortunately for her, the thought of Kira also being in the room with her completely slipped her mind.

So when she finally opened her eyes she faced her excitedly jumping up and down roommate she knew that a high pitched squeal will be erupting from that little person.

And boy was she right. I swear that girl can be a banshee at times. (Wink, wink. Although she was not as loud as Lydia on the show XD)

"He-you-both asked each other out. Ahh," she fake screamed while dramatically falling off her bed that she was before jumping on. "It's just too much feels for me! "

Lydia shrugged and made her way to her way more neater bed compared to Kira's. This was a daily occurence, Kira dying from feels.

"My OTP is finally sailing!" Kira yelled to no one in particular. "Scott's so gonna freak out when he finds out about this."

Then she started furiously typing on her phone, no doubt adding a whole bunch of exclamation points while sending Scott the news of Stydia's development.

"It's no big deal," Lydia lied. Secretly she was Kira in the inside.

"No big deal? No big deal?!? You're such a little liar! Tell me all the deets now or I swear to g-"

"Fine, okay I'll tell you," Lydia interrupted Kira's rant, knowing from experience that it'd be better just to give in now rather than being prodded until she couldn't take our anymore.

"Yay!" Kira clapped her hands excitedly.

Lydia just rolled her eyes and nonchalantly replied with "I asked him if we could talk later and he said yes. That's when I was going to ask him out but then he came here earlier than expected and know the rest."

Kira then placed a hand over her heart in mock heart and replied "So you wouldn't have told you're best friend in the whole wide world this development any sooner if I didn't witness that glorious event?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

Kira then narrowed her eyes into a glare, "You little- Ugh I'll forgive you if you let me dress you for each one of those dates."

"Of course, now come here and embrace me cause I'm not sure if this is a dream or not."

Kira compiled and wrapped her arms around her bestfriend.

Oh, how she loved College.

Author's Note:

I don't know why but I write Scott like a surfer dude and Kira super hyper active. *shrugs* Short update, sorry about that, just having some writer's block.


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