Ms.Martin and Mr.Stilinski

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Lydia's POV

I close the door behind me when I entered the room. I blissfully sighed.

I really really liked hanging out with Stiles. Even though I barely met him it felt like I could be myself with him and known him forever.

I changed into my nightwear and went to sleep on my bed.


The Next Day

I woke up and did all my daily routines. Which includes showering and getting dressed. I picked my outfit of a white studded jacket,a dark blue blouse,and some white jeans.

I finished up my look by pinning up my hair into a high ponytail and putting on a layer of nude lipstick.

"Hey Kira,you ready to go?"I yelled

"Yeah,you can head out. I'll be at class later."Kira responded

"Okay,see you later."I waved my hand goodbye.

After I finished I picked up my bag with all my school supplies and assignments.

I opened up the door to go get some coffee and a bagel from the cafe on campus. Just when I was stepping out I noticed that Stiles was actually leaving his dormroom too.

"Stiles,we have to stop running into each other like this."I said with tsking motion.

He smiled and shrugged, "It's all by coincidence,Ms.Martin."

"Why of course,Mr.Stilinski."I chuckled. "Would you fancy heading to the cafe with me before classes start?"I asked

"It would be my pleasure."Stiles replied playfully.

Last night during our dinner we actually started joking with each other so I started calling him Mr.Stilinski and him calling me Ms.Martin while acting all proper.

It was actually quite amusing.

We made our way to the elevator got inside and pressed the ground floor level. "So how's it going."I asked while bumping my shoulder with his.

"Good, like usual. Just a bit tired." he answered with a small smile.

"Well we better go get that coffee to wake you up then."I retorted just while the elevator dinged.

Our walking strides were in synch as we made it down to the cafe. It was already filled with tired people who we're craving coffee for fuel to get them through the day.

I ordered a caramel frappe and a bagel with cream cheese while Stiles also got the same thing.

We seated ourselves at a small table near the window. The sun was shining and people were passing us by. I breathed in the coffee aroma and it brought a smile to my face.

We waited a couple of minutes before the server called out that our orders were ready so we went to the counter to get it.

When we went back to our table I raised my cup and clonked it with Stiles and said "Cheers."

He returned the gesture and said "Cheers." with a cute smile gracing his lips.

Cute? Did I call his smile cute? Well,duh! It's because he's always cute and among other things.

"Oh, look at the time we should be heading towards our classes for today." I said while looking at the clock on one of the walls.

"Yeah,it was nice having breakfast with you. Catch you later." Stiles said

I threw away my empty coffee cup and Stiles did the same before walking out of the cafe together.

Then I headed towards my first class with Stiles when he walked me there since he was going to the same class.

Now let the day begin....


It was actually unevental. You just go in for learning and get out. Well my English teacher said that we'll be having an assignment with a partner soon. He didn't say if he was going to pick or us.

It doesn't really matter though since I get along with pretty much everyone.

Although I was kinda hoping on getting paired with Stiles. You know for school reasons.

Pssh...sure Lydia.Just keep telling yourself that.

Damn conscience....

I'm right you know.

Yeah...I guess I just like spending time with Stiles. Since he's pretty cool and all.

And now I'm just having a conversation with myself. That's great.

Note the sarcasm.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:Now we're getting somewhere,huh? Yeah. I'm so happy Teen Wolf is going to have a 6th season. And it's with the original three. Scott,Stiles,and Lydia. I'll be updating Love Triangle-Stydia AU soon. ♥️♥️♥️

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